Quranic Arabic for Reverts

Quranic Arabic for Reverts

Quranic Arabic for Reverts

The language of the Holy Quran, the eternal miracle, was revealed to be the way of life for people until the Day of Judgment. God Almighty chose the Arabic in the Quran to be a vessel that carries this light and guidance to people. He mentioned this in about ten places in the Holy Quran, including His Almighty saying: (And We have certainly presented for the people in this Quran from every [kind of] example that they might remember. An Arabic Quran without any crookedness that they might become righteous.) Az-Zumar/27-28.

The Trustworthy Spirit has brought it down upon your heart that you may be among the warners.


Quranic Arabic for Reverts
Quranic Arabic for Reverts

What is the merit of Arabic in the Quran?

The Arabic language has been given great honour, as the Book of the Lord of the Worlds was revealed in it to the Seal of the Messengers, Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, the most eloquent of mankind. What added to the honor of the Arabic language is that it is his language, may God bless him and grant him peace, which God Almighty enabled him to master to the utmost degree. His honourable companions and the predecessors of the nation followed the same approach in caring for the Arabic language, honouring it, caring for it, and glorifying it.

The Holy Qur’an care for the Arabic language is that it is the language that God Almighty chose to address His servants, as the Qur’an was described as being Arabic in several verses, which are the Almighty’s saying:

  • {And thus We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an and have diversified therein the threats that perhaps they may fear God or that it may cause them to be reminded.} [Ta-Ha: 113].
  • 2 A Book whose verses are explained in detail – an Arabic Qur’an for people who know.} [Fussilat].

Quranic Arabic basics

The Qur’an was the primary reference for determining the rules of grammar and morphology, as religious and linguistic scholars relied on Quranic Arabic basics, vocabulary, and examples to clarify linguistic rules. However, the Qur’an was not the only source of linguistic rules, as scholars also benefited from pre-Islamic poetry and prose narratives of eloquent Arabs.

The process of extracting and organizing the rules of the Arabic language and Arabic in the Quran began in the first century AH, and interest in them increased. This interest arose with the spread of Islam and the entry of non-Arabs into the Islamic religion, which led to the emergence of the need to control the Arabic language and preserve it from distortion.

Is it permissible to read and write the Holy Quran in a language other than Arabic?

The Holy Qur’an is the word of the Lord of the Worlds revealed to our Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace. It is only a reminder to the worlds Therefore, it is necessary to learn Arabic in the Quran in order to know the  Quranic Arabic basics, practice worship, and learn Arabic for Quran recitation..’Therefore, working to convey the Holy Qur’an and teach it to all Muslims is one of the important tasks of religion, and there is no doubt that this requires one of two things: either these Muslims learn Arabic in the Quran and learn Arabic for Quran recitation , then there is no problem, or they do not know it, then they need someone to translate the Holy Qur’an to them in their language. Hence, scholars have researched the ruling on translating the Holy Qur’an and explaining whether it is permissible or not, and they have concluded with two groups: The first group: believes that it is not permissible to translate the Holy Qur’an into another language, and some have permitted it.

Quran reciters in Arabic

Scholars differed on the permissibility of reading the Holy Qur’an in a language other than Arabic, whether through translation or in a non-Arabic tongue. Is it permissible to read the Holy Qur’an in prayer and other acts of worship in a language other than Arabic as well? Is it permissible to learn Arabic for Quran recitation or not if the person is not an Arab?

Is it permissible to read and write the Holy Quran in a language other than Arabic?

The Holy Qur’an is the word of the Lord of the Worlds revealed to our Prophet Muhammad. May God bless him and his family and grant them peace. His message, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace, is general for all people to learn Arabic for Quran recitation. It is not limited to one race or another, nor to one time or another, but rather it is for the Day of Resurrection.

Therefore, working to convey the Quran and teach Quranic Arabic basics to all Muslims is one of the important tasks of religion, and there is no doubt that this requires one of two things: either these Muslims know the Arabic language, then there is no problem, or they do not know it, then they need someone to translate the Holy Qur’an to them in their language. Hence, scholars have researched the ruling on translating the Holy Quran and explaining whether it is permissible or not. They have concluded with two groups: The first group: believes that it is not permissible to translate the Quran into another language, and some have permitted it.

the difference between the Quran Language and classical Arabic

There is certainly no difference between them when we say classical Arabic, we mean the most eloquent, and the most eloquent language among the languages ​​(dialects) of the Arabs is the language of Quraysh, and the Qur’an was revealed in it.

In vocabulary, there are words that the Arabs mentioned in more than one form or language.

Some of them were mentioned in the Qur’an in more than one form. For example:

Deleting the letter nun (takun) in the jussive mood is permissible, so it is permissible to say (lam akun) and it is permissible to say (lam akun) and both are permissible in the language of the Arabs.

It was mentioned in the Qur’an in both forms.