Al-Wakeel (The Guardian)

Al-Azhar Quran Teaching | Al-Wakeel (The Guardian)

Al-Wakeel (The Guardian)

Do you feel your weakness, that life with its details is greater than you, and that you are a feather in the wind of bustling life?
Do you feel that you are a bird that its wings were cut so that it became weak and in need of help?
Do you have things about which you fear and want to place them under the guardianship of someone so that things are not lost in his presence, whether these things are children, wealth, health, or life?
Then open the gate and enter the lights of the Name of Allah, Al-Wakeel.
Recognize this Majestic Name from the beginning, sink in the depths of its meanings, and rest your soul from its weakness, worry, and loneliness by making it incline to the shadows of Al-Wakeel.
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Take Him as a Guardian

The Guardian is the One you should rely on alone, entrust your back to, place your trust in, and pin your hopes on.

Any deed you entrust to God, forget about it entirely, for placing your trust in Him means that you have handed over the completion of this deed to the One who owns everything, to the One Whom the heavens and the earth are among His creations, and to the One Who grants protection without being subject to anyone else’s authority.

Allah the Almighty says about Himself: “Lord of the East and the West, there is no god but Him, so take Him as a Guardian.”

The Lord of the East and the West commands you to take Him as a Guardian. What follows this command besides comfort, honor, pride, and success?

All He wants from you is to say with your heart: “You are my Guardian, O Allah!

Is there any wealthy person on earth who commands you to seek help only from him, to rely only on him, or to turn to him alone? Such a rich person does not exist because no human being can shield you from everything, protect you from harm, or assist you in every matter.

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God alone can say that, do that, and has the power to do so!
Reliance on God is a heartfelt certainty. It transforms you into someone walking under a great canopy, shielding you from the heat of worries, the rain of conspiracies, and the unsettling winds of this world…
The truly deprived one is one who does not appreciate this canopy or seek to walk beneath it.
The Greatest King and Most Glorious Lord commands you to take Him as a Guardian, to place your needs at His doorstep so that He fulfills them, to lean your back against Him so that He protects you from the arrows of treachery, to entrust your affairs to Him so that He perfects them in the best way and completes them most accurately.
So, what are you waiting for? What else is stopping you from accepting this favor? Who else has ever offered you such advantages?
We are frighteningly attached to dust!
Read this verse:
“And rely upon the Exalted in Might, the Merciful, Who sees you when you arise and your movements among those who prostrate.”
What is the great matter, the severe distress, or the overwhelming concern that could defy the will of the Lord of Glory? Glory itself belongs to Him; every bit of glory you’ve ever seen, heard of, or known is under His dominion. How, then, could your trials stand before the will of the Lord of Glory, Majesty, and Greatness?
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An Annual Plan

The greatest thing to entrust to God is your worship; that is to relinquish and disown your own ability and strength and say with your heart before your tongue:”It is You we worship, and it is You we ask for help.”

Thus, you seek His help, rely on Him, and ask Him for strength to worship Him.

It is inconceivable that God commands you to worship Him and to rely on Him, and when you do so, He abandons you in worship. Such a thing is unimaginable. How could you ask Him to help you worship Him—worship He loves—and He does not assist you?

Simply repeat the prophetic supplication:

“O Allah, help me to remember You, to thank You, and to worship You well.”

Have you said it often enough?

If not, then I urge you not only to say it more often but to make it a part of your daily schedule, annual plan, and life goals!

For if He does not assist you, no one else can!

If He does not assist you in this, you will achieve none of it!

If He does not assist you, you will lose both this world and the Hereafter!

Ibn al-Qayyim said:

“Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah—may Allah have mercy on his soul—once said: I reflected on the most beneficial supplication, and I found it to be asking for help to please Him. Then I saw it in the Opening Chapter of the Quran: ‘It is You we worship, and it is You we ask for help.’”

He also said:

The heart faces two great diseases which, if left untreated, lead to its inevitable ruin: ostentation and arrogance. The cure for ostentation lies in ‘It is You we worship,’ and the cure for arrogance lies in ‘It is You we ask for help.’

I often heard Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah—may Allah sanctify his soul—say: “It is You we worship repelling ostentation! It is You we ask for help repelling arrogance.”

The prayer you just completed—by Allah, had He not helped you, you wouldn’t have performed it.

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Humble Yourself Before Him…

He is the Most Merciful. Simply bring your needs to His doorstep, and let your heart be humbled as if it were submissively prostrated beneath His throne. Even if you do not call upon Him, the Merciful wants to see this state of humility in you. Afterward, be assured that He will fulfill your needs, heal your ailments, and place a smile on your lips.
With Allah, your wishes become facts …
Your hopes become reality…
Your desires will be granted to you…
Your longings will flow over you…
“And rely upon the Exalted in Might, the Merciful, Who sees you when you arise.”
The One you stand to pray for, the One before whom you prostrate your forehead, the One to whom you bow your head—He alone deserves that you entrust your needs to Him, that you rely on Him for your healing, that He becomes your refuge from your fears, and that you seek His help in achieving your dreams:
Hold tightly to the rope of God for safety
For it is the pillar when all others fail
A righteous woman’s son decided to continue his studies abroad. She had heard stories of the corruption and immorality that some who study in such places might fall into, yet she was powerless to stop him. Many circumstances forced her to accept the situation. Knowing that God alone could protect her son, she dedicated a portion of her prayers to pleading for his safety.
The son returned from his studies transformed: he had become a regular at the Masjid, engaged in night prayers, and actively enjoined what is good and forbade what was wrong. He came back with values he hadn’t possessed before!
How could you imagine that the Guardian, the Most High, allowed the son to stray when his mother had fervently prayed, saying, “O Lord, protect him; I have entrusted him to You. Do not let me down, my son!”
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Smiling Tears!

If a king of this world told you, “Entrust me with the task of reclaiming your rights from that oppressor. Simply delegate it to me,” would you doubt for a moment that your rights would not be returned? A word from one of his aides would be enough to compel that oppressor to restore your rights in fear.
Now imagine the king himself taking on the task directly, and imagine more no signatures, no mediators, just his personal involvement.
Now, leave that king and his aides aside and reflect on this:
“And rely upon the Ever-Living who does not die.”
Suddenly, all your needs seem insignificant, don’t they?
There is no longer a place for fear, hesitation, or doubt!
Allah will turn all your problems into solutions, all your pains into healing, all your dreams into reality, and all your tears into smiles…
Even if you pass away, the Ever-Living, who does not die, will ensure your rights are fulfilled for your children after you. Do not let your moments of anguish and sorrow be consumed with worry for your children.
The Ever-Living, who remains when you are gone, will be there for them. He will care for them, grant them happiness, and make their lives better than they were with you because He is the Ever-Living, who does not die.
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The Oxygen with Life

Even if no one wrongs you, rely on Him!

Tawakkul (reliance on Allah) is not just a safeguard against the oppression of wrongdoers or assistance in a specific matter!

Tawakkul is the oxygen of your life; can you live without oxygen?

Rely on Allah in your health. Entrust the rhythm of your heartbeat, the movement of your organs, the flow of your blood through your veins, and the digestion of food within your body to Allah.

If Allah did not permit your eyelid to blink, your eyes would burn dry!

If Allah did not enable your tongue to taste, life would lose its flavor in your eyes!

If Allah did not allow your skin to feel, it would be torn apart without you even noticing!

Rely on Him in raising your children on righteousness…

How often have we seen children raised in Masjids but later deviated into disbelief—may Allah protect us!

Or children for whom their parents spared no effort or expense, yet they were lost!

Or children surrounded by the care of their elder siblings, but they still went astray!

Only Allah knows the place of guidance in your child’s heart. Call upon Him to fill it with faith. Rely on Him and say in humility:

“O Lord, this is my child, and You are my Lord and his Lord. Guide him to You, lead him to know You, and help me raise him.

O Lord, I cannot teach him to pray unless You assist me.

And he cannot pray unless You assist him.

So, aid us in remembering, thanking, and worshiping You properly.”

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Life is torment without Him

Rely on Him for the happiness of your life, for life is torment without Allah!
They say: Praise your wife, speak to her about the details that captivate her, smile at her, and treat her kindly; through all this, you will win her heart and love!
Yes, all this is true, but before, during, and after doing so, say:
“O Lord, set my wife’s heart right for me.”
Seek His help. Rely on Him. Call upon Him, saying:
“All my smiles for my wife are useless unless You will it to succeed.”
Supplicate to Him, saying:
“Her heart is in Your Hand, not mine. So, bring harmony between us and make us right for one another, O Lord.”
Allah wants you to acknowledge that you are weak, limited in strength, and humble in ability, while He alone is the All-Powerful, the Al-Mighty, and the Great. Once you realize this, you have completed three-quarters of Tawakkul. When you do so, everything around you changes—believe me, it changes!
Forget your needs, dreams, and worries for a moment. Let us imagine you are a person with no needs, no dreams, no worries, and no ailments. You still need to rely on Him to earn His love. Don’t you want Allah to love you?
Allah says: “Indeed, Allah loves those who rely upon Him.”
The idea that Allah loves His servant is something no sensitive soul can pass over without their heart trembling with longing and desire. Allah, the One and Only, loves you. This is more than enough reason to attach yourself to Al-Wakeel (The Guardian), rely upon Him, and love this Name that denotes this Great Attribute.
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Sufficient is Allah for me

Some people come into your life to discourage you, to relay fragments of a harsh reality, to shake your inner certainty, to toy with your emotions, to make you fear, doubt, falter, change your stance, or deviate from your principles. In such moments, cleanse your heart with faith and say: “Sufficient is Allah for me, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs.” At that moment, you will return, by the Grace and favor of Allah, unharmed by any evil. Reflect deeply on this verse:
“Those to whom hypocrites said, ‘Indeed, the people have gathered against you, so fear them.’ But it [merely] increased them in faith, and they said, ‘Sufficient for us is Allah, and [He is] the best disposer of affairs.’ So they returned with favor from Allah and bounty, no harm having touched them.”
No harm will reach you; rest assured. Even the pain you thought inevitable will not touch you. By Allah’s will, no injury will afflict your skin, and no regret will pierce your heart.
Read with your heart: “And place your trust in Allah. And sufficient is Allah as a Disposer of affairs.”
When you put your trust in Allah, it’s not because you have no one else to rely on. No! You are relying on the greatest entity a creation can ever depend on.
Some might say: “All we can do now is pray.”
How strange! Is there any power greater than the one thing left to you?
Supplication is a manifestation of reliance on Allah. Even before spoken words, it is a heartfelt conviction that He alone is capable of everything. This is trust in its purest form!
When someone says: “So-and-so has no one but Allah,” respond: “And Allah is sufficient.” What could be missing when one has the King of Kings, the Lord of the East and the West?
“Take all your worldly possessions,
and leave my heart free, unbound, and wandering
For I am richer than all of you
Even if you think I am destitute and alone.”
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A Compelling Reason

Do you know why it suffices to place your trust in Allah? There is a very convincing reason: He the Al-Mighty owns the heavens and the earth.

“To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as a Disposer of Affairs.”

Isn’t the one you fear just a resident of this earth? Then he belongs to Allah, and Allah has full control over him.

That illness that is wearing you down and you do not find its cure; doesn’t it exist on this earth? Then, it is under Allah’s dominion, and He is capable of commanding it to leave your body.

Those burdens, worries, and anxieties—aren’t they part of this world? Then place your trust in the One who owns this earth and all that is in it. With a single word, He can remove all your troubles.

Since He is the Creator of everything, He can do anything. That is why we rely on Him: “Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Disposer of affairs over all things.”

Reflect: Sufficient is Allah for us, and He is the best Disposer of affairs.

This means we have no one but Allah, and He is the best to rely upon. There is no greater or more trustworthy guardian.

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Beware of appointing anyone other than Allah as your Guardian. If you turn to others, weakness will overcome you, doubts will invade you, and your heart will cling to worldly illusions. Allah warns: “Do not take any disposer of affairs besides Me.”

It is forbidden to seek refuge in others while He exists, to rely on others while He is alive, or to seek assistance elsewhere while He is the Sustainer.

Because He is All-Hearing and All-Knowing; rely on Him. He hears everything, even what is whispered in secrecy, and knows every plot made in darkness. How can you trust anyone else when others neither hear nor know as He does?

“And place your trust in Allah, for He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.”

That oppressor causing you harm is but a creation of the Lord who protects you. Trust in Allah, and He will ward off his harm. Say with confidence: Indeed, I have placed my trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord. There is no creature but that He holds its forelock (in His control).”

Even Satan, with all his armies, powers of whispering, and abilities granted by Allah to instill fear and tempt, cannot touch those who rely on Allah: “Indeed, he [Satan] has no authority over those who have believed and rely upon their Lord.”

So what of a mere manager, a troublesome neighbor, or a ruler?


“And whoever relies upon Allah, He will suffice him.”

You will never need anyone else if you trust in Him, rely on Him, and make Him your helper in all matters.

He is sufficient, protecting you and shielding you from harm.

If Allah’s care does not surround you from every side, you will perish.

Life is full of diseases, burdens, shadows, plots, and conspiracies. Without Allah’s care, these serpents will devour you!!

I am not trying to frighten you; this is the truth.

Say: “O Allah, I place my trust in You.”

Have you said it with your heart? Now smile; all those serpents have vanished!

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Things threating you

When you leave the house, you may face dangers such as a severe accident, a gust of wind that makes you ill, falling into a hole, encountering a rude person who insults you, a spiteful person who envies you, a difficult employee who frustrates you, or a deceitful seller who cheats you. However, when getting out, remember to say what your noble Prophet (peace be upon him) taught:
“In the Name of Allah, I place my trust in Allah. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from straying or being led astray, slipping or causing someone to slip, doing wrong or being wronged, or behaving ignorantly or being treated ignorantly.”
Now, step out embracing success and ease with Allah’s permission, as all those fears are baseless.
When you sleep, entrust your back to Him and surrender your matters to Him, in hope and reverence for Him.
At all times and every moment, remember there is a Lord who commands you to rely on Him. and you need Him. So, never neglect this opportunity, this gift, and this privilege.
“O Allah, make us reliant upon You, seeking refuge in You. Fill us with faith in You, and let this faith cleanse us of attachment to anything but You, O Lord.”
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