Ash-Shakoor (The Appreciative)

Al-Azhar Quran Teaching | Ash-Shakoor (The Appreciative)

Ash-Shakoor (The Appreciative)

With the generosity of Allah, mathematical equations change!!

His generosity does not adhere to calculations; it is based on Divine Grace!!

Ash-Shakoor (The Appreciative)

Surely, you have done someone a favor before, and he denied it. He forgot you instantly! That favor left no mark on his face! He remained as stern as ever.

It is undoubtedly a painful experience…

Life is full of those who do not know the word ‘thank you’ and cannot say ‘may Allah reward you with good.’ Smiling, for them, seems like an otherworldly act (a strange act)!

Leave them, for your life is too short to waste in blaming them or pondering over the kingdom of ingratitude they chose to dwell in. Turn instead to the Appreciative—Glorified is He—so you may revive the flowers of your heart that they have crushed.

Live with the Appreciative. Reflect on the meanings of this Magnificent Name. Wipe away the wrinkles of life’s fatigue with a profound understanding of this Majestic Name.

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When He gives, He amazes.

Glorified is He Who thanks His servant for the good deeds he offers. And the term “good deeds” is limitless; it is vast and grand. It could fill the heavens and the earth!

He commands you to perform good deeds that benefit both your worldly life and your hereafter. And when you act upon them, it is He Who deserves your thanks for guiding you, making it easy for you, and improving your state through them. Isn’t that so? Yet, through His generosity, He thanks you for them instead!

Is there any generosity comparable to this? Is there any benevolence close to this?

How does He thank you?

This is a question lifetimes could pass without fully answering…

Just as His essence is beyond the grasp of sight, His Names and Attributes are beyond the full comprehension of human minds and intellects.

Nevertheless, through contemplation and reflection, we can explore the profound meanings of this Great Name and its manifestations in our lives.

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Among His acts of Appreciation:

He forgives sins and conceals faults.

He rewards good deeds and amplifies their rewards.

He grants health, well-being, children, wealth, and a tranquil life.

He bestows honorable standing and a good reputation.

He answers your prayers, makes you feel His closeness, and comforts you with His presence.

He heals you from ailments that have ended the lives of others.

He spares you from trials that the spirits of many have been crushed by less of them.

He guides you to the truth while others remain lost.

He keeps you steadfast in guidance while hearts far more intelligent, knowledgeable, and longstanding in faith than yours have strayed.

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A Mathematical Equation

Read and Imagine:

“The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a grain that grows seven ears; in every ear is a hundred grains. Allah multiplies [the reward] for whom He wills.” Glory be to Him!

By His Grace, generosity, and gratitude, a single deed can transform into a reward equivalent to seven hundred deeds.

How does one equal seven hundred?

You perform a good deed deserving a single reward, but Allah rewards it seven hundred times and multiplies further for whomever He wills!

With Allah’s generosity, mathematical equations change! For His generosity does not adhere to calculations, but rather it is based on Divine Grace!!

Glory be to Him! When He gives, He amazes; when He bestows, He astounds. Who is there whom the Almighty has not gifted or whom the Most Generous has not honored? At every moment of our lives, indeed in every fraction of a moment, we receive countless blessings and gifts beyond measure!

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And mention in the Book.

These were His prophets, who performed righteous deeds and strove to convey His words. He expressed gratitude to them by elevating their status, making them exemplary role models, immortalizing their stories and lessons in His greatest Books, safeguarding their honor from any insult or misjudgment, and so on.

The mention of them in His Book carries a special significance that I always feel deeply:

A servant among His creation, brought into existence by His Power, who was once nothing remembered, is then mentioned with the words:

“And mention in the Book Ibrahim. Indeed, he was a man of truth and a prophet.”

“And mention in the Book Musa. Indeed, he was chosen.”

“And mention in the Book Ismail. Indeed, he was true to his promise.”

“And mention in the Book Idris.”

“Indeed, We found him patient.” Pause for a moment, then continue: “Excellent is the servant.”

The Great Sovereign praises a servant of His: “Excellent is the servant.”

Oh Allah, how immense is His generosity when He wishes to honor!

If you reflect on His gratitude to our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, you see how He allotted him His Mercy:

“Are they the ones who distribute the mercy of your Lord?”

And He selected him for His message: “Allah knows best where to place His message.”

He supported him in all stages of his life: “And Allah will protect you from the people.”

And adorned him with the finest character: “And indeed, you are of a great moral character.”

Moreover, observe how He even paired His Name with the Prophet’s in the call to prayer and the testimony of faith. As Hassan bin Thabit said:

 The Almighty linked the Prophet’s name to His own

When the caller announces the testimony, it’s witnessed

He split from His Name, a name to honor him

So, the Lord of the Throne is Mahmoud, and he is Muhammad.

As for the Companions, who sacrificed their lives, years, and wealth for the sake of the religion, Allah expressed gratitude by criticizing them a sign of hypocrisy. He declared His Pleasure with them, multiplied the reward for their deeds, deemed them all just without exception, and described them as the best of generations.

Regarding them, He said: “Certainly was Allah pleased with the believers when they pledged allegiance to you under the tree.”

He also said: “Allah has promised the best reward to each.”

The Hadiths regarding their virtues, collectively and individually, are too well-known to recount. All this is a glimpse of Allah’s gratitude for their faith, struggles, and sacrifices.

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The Weight of an Atom

Just as the noble person thanks those who do good deeds, so does Allah, Exalted and Majestic, show gratitude in a manner befitting His Generosity, majesty, and Greatness? His gratitude is unlike any other; He is Ash-Shakoor (the Most Appreciated) because a single act of gratitude from Him surpasses all forms of appreciation. He is Ash-Shakoor because He repeatedly appreciates even a single act of yours. He is Ash-Shakoor because He acknowledges both great and small deeds, provided they are done sincerely and correctly. He not only rewards significant deeds, but even the weight of an atom is acknowledged and multiplied by Him: “So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it.”
For instance, Allah admitted a woman into Paradise for giving half a charity date, forgave a prostitute for quenching a dog’s thirst, and forgave a man who spent his life sinning simply because he feared Allah so much that he asked his sons to burn and scatter his remains after death, dreading punishment. Allah admitted him to Paradise because of his fear of Him. Similarly, He rewarded someone who had only one good deed, which he gave in charity to his companion. And He forgave the person who killed one hundred humans because he emigrated to Him…
Among the manifestations of Allah’s gratitude is that it hastens the reward of the one who gives charity. He grants him blessings and showers him with His favors. The Prophet, peace be upon him, informs us: “Indeed, Allah accepts (1) the charity of His servant with His right hand and nurtures it as one of you nurtures his colt.” This reflects Allah’s gratitude and joy over His servant’s obedience.
About ten years ago, a resident of the Eastern Province once told me the story behind this store as we stood near a well-known store. He said: “The store owner was an ordinary employee, saving from his salary, and his wife also saved from hers so they could build their dream home. When they had almost gathered the needed amount, the man prayed in a Masjid and heard a sermon encouraging the construction of Masjids. The preacher mentioned the Hadith: ‘Whoever builds a Masjid for Allah, even as small as a bird’s nest, Allah will build a house in Paradise for him.’ The words deeply touched the man. That night, he told his wife about his intention to donate the entire amount to build a Masjid. To his surprise, his wife willingly gave her savings as well, asking to join him in building a Masjid.”
Imagine changing a plan you have worked towards for years in a single night and doing so for Allah, driven by a heart living with the desire for the Hereafter!
The man continued his story: “After building the Masjid, they started saving again, and the idea of starting a business occurred to the husband. He opened a small shop, and soon customers began coming from everywhere. The shop prospered, and he expanded it, opening branch after branch. Now, in the Eastern Province alone, he has 13 branches—and this was ten years ago!” SubhanAllah, Ash-Shakoor, how generous Allah is, and He never lets down anyone who trades with Him.
I once met a man who introduced himself as so-and-so Al-Ruhaili. Jokingly, I asked him: “Are you the owner of the famous Ruhaili fuel stations in Jeddah?” He replied: “No, but he is my relative!”
Then he shared the story of this relative, saying: “In his early days, he was very charitable, helping the poor, supporting orphans, and being exceedingly kind to some of his relatives. Allah blessed him, and he eventually established the station and other successful businesses. This is the work of Allah, the Grateful and Praiseworthy.
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Spend, and you will be spent upon

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “Charity does not decrease wealth.” We must deeply believe in this promise. Our Lord says in a sacred hadith: “O My servant, spend, and I will spend on you.” So, if you place a single coin in the hand of a needy person, trust that Allah will replace it with something far greater in health, satisfaction, abundance, and blessings.

A poor university student, walking to Friday prayer, heard a man near the charity box encouraging people, saying: “Spend, and you will be spent upon.” He checked his pocket and found all he had was five Riyals. He put it into the charity box with a heart full of certainty, saying: “O Allah, I have given from my poverty, so grant me from Your abundance.” That evening, he visited his brother, who, unaware of his financial state, told him about a financial association payout that he had received and he didn’t need in full. After some insistence, the brother gave him 2,000 Riyals—Allah had provided for him!

I once read a story written by a woman in a magazine about her own experience. One morning, a beggar knocked on her door. She gave him the last 100 Riyals in her purse while silently praying: “O Allah, tenfold, tenfold!”

She then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for herself and her husband. When her husband sat down to eat, he suddenly remembered something and said: “There is an envelope for you on the table. I picked it up from the mail yesterday.” She opened the envelope to find a bank check for an article she had written in a newspaper. The amount was exactly 1,000 Riyals in cash!

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And Do Good

I seek refuge for you from having all your attachments and desires tied to worldly matters, for much of the reward is stored by Allah when you need it most in the Hereafter.

One of the clearest manifestations of Divine Gratitude is how honoring one’s parents is often accompanied by ease in living and success in all aspects of life. It seems that achieving success is reserved for those who honor their parents. Reflect on the successful people you know; you will likely find honoring parents as a common thread among them—it is inevitable.

Allah the Almighty says: “And do good.”

No matter how small this good may seem, the Most Appreciative (Ash-Shakoor) recognizes it. “So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it.” Surely, one will see his reward!

Even though an atom is nearly invisible, if you do good equivalent to its weight, you will see it awaiting you on the Day of Judgment to bring you joy and console your heart when even children will turn gray from the intensity of fear.

When you consciously try to turn off your car’s headlights at a traffic light so as not to disturb those on the opposite side of the road, they might neither notice nor know your intent. But beware of thinking that the Most Appreciative will not reward you. How? That doesn’t matter. Perhaps He averts an illness that would have taken your sight, a car accident that would have damaged your vehicle, or a problem you would have fallen into, all as a reward for your noble deed.

Carefully closing the door at night so as not to disturb those sleeping…

Your waiting while holding the door of Masjid for an older adult…

Your avoidance of hitting a passing cat…

Your smile to a child…

Your tidying of a room in your home…

Your prayer for a Muslim who passed away, confident he has no relative to pray for…

Your turning off a dripping faucet…

Your removal of a fallen branch from the road…

All of these acts are included in the Divine Command: “And do good.”

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Be Silent…

One of the greatest forms of good is opening the Qur’an to recite your daily portion, and then your eyes, and indeed your heart, fall upon a verse encouraging you to do good. You then resolve that your day will not end without striving to accomplish it. In doing so, you perform the greatest act possible, the very purpose for which Allah revealed the Qur’an!

If you ask about the greatest good you can do, it is to surrender yourself to Allah: to live as a Muslim, worship as a Muslim, deal with others as a Muslim, see, speak, and feel as a Muslim, and ultimately die as a Muslim.

Imam Ahmad was asked: “If one dies adhering to Islam and the Sunnah, will he die upon good?” He replied: “Be silent! He dies upon all good!” Allah says: “And whatever good you send forth for yourselves, you will find it with Allah.”

Any good you present for yourself will be preserved and multiplied by the Most Appreciative and Most Watchful. On the Day of Judgment, you will find it magnified and far greater than when you initially performed it.

“And whatever good you send forth for yourselves, you will find it with Allah; it is better and greater in reward.”

“And whatever good they do, they will not be denied its reward.”

In a weak narration with a sound meaning: “Acts of kindness protect one from an evil death.”

This is part of His Gratitude: He does not waste your good deeds but makes them a shield for you from an evil death. Thus, feeling that Allah is the Most Appreciative and that all goodness comes from Him instills in a person trust in his Lord and a positive opinion of Him.

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To Where?

It was said to a Bedouin: “You will die.” He responded: “Then to where?” They said: “To Allah.” He replied: “How could I dislike going to the One from Whom I have seen nothing but goodness?”

What a profound feeling and immense hope in Allah that fills the heart of this Bedouin! The Qur’an affirms this when Allah, the Al-Mighty, said: “And whatever blessings you have are from Allah.”

Everything, yes, everything that surrounds you, from health, wealth, comfort, ease, and contentment, comes from Him: “And the bounty of Allah upon you is great.”

You worship Him for sixty or seventy years, most of which pass without obligation, or in sleep, or engaging in permissible acts. However, He rewards you for this with a Paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth, where you will dwell forever!

If Allah gives without reason, imagine what He provides when there is a reason. Imagine when you distinguish yourself from His other servants, whom He continues to bless and draw near with His favors, by performing deeds that please Him. At that point, it is inconceivable for you to think that the Generous One would not honor you, the Appreciative One would not reward you, or the Praiseworthy One would not commend you.

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Three men were trapped by rain in a cave, and a massive rock closed its entrance, preventing them from getting out. They beseeched and pleaded with Allah through their righteous deeds. Allah, in His Gratitude to them, made the reward for their deeds, or part of it, a means to remove their distress and dislodge that massive rock. When the third man finished his supplication, the rock moved, and they walked out into the sunlight.

Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) devoted his entire life to Allah, beginning from his first words in the cradle: “I am the servant of Allah.” The wicked among the Children of Israel conspired to kill him, but Allah’s gratitude to him was among the most extraordinary ways: He raised him to Himself! Thus, Allah rescued him from the depths of worry, plots, and anxiety and placed him in His heavens to live among His angels and the best of creation…

When you are with Allah, you are always in gain…

Allah alone has the power to rescue you from whatever afflicts you. I know well that you may carry worries and hardships that require nothing less than the word (Deliverance) to describe survival from them. Do good, and Allah will deliver you through it, just as Jonah’s glorification was the reason for his deliverance from the belly of the whale.

You are trading with the One whose Generosity, Gratitude, and Grace are boundless.

There is no possibility of loss in Allah’s market, for He governs it. Be with Him, and then watch His Blessings and Gratitude unfold. He will not abandon you. Trust that. Allah will never let you bow to Him in a single prostration without rewarding you with a gratitude befitting His Grace and Generosity. Just be with Him.

O Allah, grant us the ability to be grateful for Your blessings. Make us be mindful of You and thankful for Your favors, and guide us to deeds that earn Your immense Gratitude. O Appreciative, O Praiseworthy.

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