Learn Arabic for Worship
Learning Arabic is a communal obligation because it is the path to understanding the texts of revelation from the Qur’an and Sunnah. If some people fulfill this obligation, it is no longer required of others. This applies to the general Ummah.
As for the notables, the Muslim must learn enough Arabic Phrases for worship to perform what God has imposed upon him in prayer, such as reading and supplications, because that is not permissible in anything other than Arabic.
Rather, learning Arabic for salah and with the intention of understanding the religion and spreading it is better than being absorbed in voluntary acts of worship.
Learn the language of the Quran and the most honourable prophets
God Almighty described the Holy Quran with the following verses: “Ha Meem, a revelation from the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. A Book whose verses are detailed – a Qur’an in Arabic for people who know.”
It is clear from this verse that the Arabic language is the language chosen by the Lord of the Worlds to reveal His wise Book to the most honorable of prophets and messengers, Muhammad bin Abdullah, may God bless him and grant him peace, as guidance for the people in all respects, and that its letters, roots, pronunciation, and forms are pure and clear Arabic.
The True Bond of the Islamic Nation
Arabic is the language of the Quran and Learning Arabic for salah and is the true bond of the Islamic nation with its different peoples, races and languages.
. Knowing the Arabic language, mastering it and spreading it in the world is one of the greatest services for the renaissance of the Arab and Islamic nation and the unity of its ranks. They do Arabic Duas and repeat Arabic phrases for worship.
Imam Abu Mansur al-Tha’alibi, may God have mercy on him, said: “Whoever loves God Almighty loves His chosen Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace. Whoever loves the Arab Prophet loves the Arabs.
Whoever loves the Arabs loves the Arabic language, in which the best of books was revealed to the best of the non-Arabs and Arabs. Whoever loves the Arabic language will care for it, persevere in it, and devote his attention to it, as it is the tool of knowledge, the key to understanding religion, and the reason for reforming this life and the afterlife.”
What is the importance of learning the Arabic language?
Teaching and learning the Arabic language is very important for many reasons, some of which we mention below:
- Learning the Arabic language greatly helps in memorizing the Holy Quran and helps in understanding its verses and meanings and Arabic phrases for worship.
- Learning Arabic for Salah also helps in understanding the Islamic religion in general and learning Islamic sciences such as the Noble Hadith, interpretation, biography, Arabic Duas, and others.
- Ignorance of the Arabic language may lead to misguidance, deviation and misunderstanding of the Holy Quran And Quran Arabic phrases for worship.
- The worship of a Muslim is not accepted in any language other than Arabic, as it is the language of the Holy .
Arabic language is a means of understanding Islamic law
The Arabic language is the only means of understanding Islamic law and learning Arabic for Salah. The Arabs have understood the meaning of its message since the revelation of the Qur’an, and they were fully aware that Arabic is part of the religion, and that there is no way to understand the faith and adhere to the law except in the Arabic language.
Al-Shafi’i, may God have mercy on him, said: “Every Muslim must learn as much of the Arabic language as he can, so that he may testify that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, and recite the Book of God with it, and pronounce the remembrance that is required of him, such as glorifying God, praising God, testifying that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and other things.”
Steps to learn and study the Arabic language
By following the following steps, you can learn, study and speak the Arabic language in a very short period:
- Memorize the 28 letters of the Arabic language in full.
- Move to learn the formation of letters such as damma, fatha and kasra.
- After learning the formation, move on to learn to compose a word from two letters, then three letters, then four letters.
- Then make sentences of two words, then three, then four.
- You can then learn some simple rules such as solar and lunar.
- Then move on to memorizing the Quran and Arabic poetry.
- Finally learn the rules of Arabic grammar and morphology.
- When you reach an advanced stage, you can study rhetoric, literature, and the rest of the Arabic sciences.
How to learn Arabic easily for Worship?
Certainly any language in the world needs to be learned to strengthen the main skills, which are reading Arabic Duas, speaking, listening Arabic phrases for worship and writing. If you master these four skills in any language, you will be able to speak it fluently. To learn these skills, follow the following steps:
- Learn Arabic Grammar:
To be able to write and speak Arabic well, you must learn the grammar of the language. Just learning from books and understanding the grammatical and spelling rules is not enough. The most prominent rules of the Arabic language are the following:
- The word and speech in its parts as verb, noun, and particle.
- The rules of the verb, subject, and object.
- The subject and predicate.
- The active and passive voice.
- The tenses in the Arabic language: past, present, and future.
- Developing speaking skill:
You can develop your classical Arabic speaking skills by speaking and practicing the language with native speakers of the language in addition to listening to Arabic Duas, religious programs, and Arabic phrases for worship, etc.
- Developing listening skills
When you master the listening skill, you will be able to understand well and thus speak well, as listening also leads to developing the listener’s pronunciation of letters.
- Reading and writing skills
To master the Arabic language and reach a distinguished level, you must learn to read and write, as reading and writing help you increase your linguistic vocabulary, and also help to establish grammatical rules in your mind.