Al-Hadi (The Guide)
The root meaning of Hidayah (guidance) refers to inclination as if Hidayah is like a gentle inclining from error to truth, from misguidance to righteousness, and from wandering to the correct path.
Thus, He the Al-Mighty guides you by redirecting your course from error to righteousness, from deviation to the most upright path.
And just as He guides you, He also guides things to you.
He brings you everything essential for your existence: He delivers water to the land you inhabit, provides sustenance to your dwelling, and supplies air to your lungs.
He provides guidance in countless ways, unique to each of His creations according to their needs and circumstances:
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He guides you through what you may perceive as mere coincidence: He guides you with a verse you hear during prayer, with a dream you see, with an offhanded piece of advice, with a word in a book that catches your eye, with a moment of reflection, with an unprecedented spark of insight, with circumstances that push you towards the truth, with fear, with love, and even with death.
Hearing the Qur’an is among the greatest sources of guidance. Allah has embedded within it every means for guidance and righteousness. Allah the Al-Mighty said: “Indeed, this Qur’an guides to that which is most upright.”
One who acts upon the Qur’an cannot stray, deviate, or falter.
Consider the story of Umar bin al-Khattab’s conversion to Islam. He entered his sister’s house with anger blazing in his eyes, but upon reading from the first verses of Surah Taha, his heart fell in prostration at the altar of faith, and it remained there until the day he passed away.
What was the feeling that overcame him in that moment? What certainty descended upon his heart at that time?
How many hidden treasures of guidance lie within the Qur’an that we overlook in our reflection?
How many directives remain locked away because our hearts have failed to open to them?
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One form of Divine Guidance is receiving a dream that provides healing, warning, or direction. It is said that a man who was ill dreamt that his cure lay in “No” and “No.” He sought the advice of a scholar, who admitted he didn’t know but said: “I complete the recitation of the Qur’an every two days, so give me time, and perhaps I will find something in the Qur’an to interpret your dream.” After two days, the scholar told him: “Your cure is in olive oil,” referencing the verse in Surah An-Nur:”Lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow.”
This was divine guidance through a dream.
Another form of guidance resembling dreams, in the sense of deriving meaning and connecting likenesses, is through performing acts of obedience that mirror the nature of the ailment.
For instance, a man once complained to a scholar about his ailment of dropsy (a condition where fluids accumulate in the body, often life-threatening). The scholar advised him to dig a well and dedicate it as a charitable endowment. The man dug the well and was cured by Allah’s will.
The scholar saw a parallel between the body’s retention of fluids and water retention in the earth. He believed that performing an act of obedience like digging a well, which releases water, might bring about healing…
A colleague once narrated an incident where he accidentally ran over his two-year-old niece with his SUV on his way to prayer, unknowingly. Her father rushed her to the hospital, where doctors gave her only a 20% chance of survival.
One of their cousins called my colleague, who gave him advice, urging him to sacrifice a sheep immediately and distribute its meat as charity with the intention of her recovery. He did so, and by dawn, the little girl was miraculously out of intensive care.
Allah guided the cousin to draw a connection between the meat offered in charity and the child’s injured flesh. The healing from Allah was more accurate than the doctors’ predictions!!
Guidance through casual advice: It is said that a singer with a beautiful voice was once approached by a righteous man who remarked, “What a beautiful voice you have; if only you used it for the Qur’an!” The singer repented on the spot and changed his ways.
Guidance through advice is vast and straightforward, needing no further elaboration.
Guidance through reflection: One of the clearest examples of this type of guidance is the story of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). When night fell, he observed a star, and the story continued with his reflections until he reached certainty in his faith. These contemplations of the signs in the universe led to his guidance and unwavering conviction.
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