Al-Hafeez (the Ever-Preserving)

Al-Azhar Quran Teaching | Al-Hafeez (the Ever-Preserving)

Al-Hafeez (the Ever-Preserving)

We often recall the benefits of anti-slip mechanisms,

The benefit of speed brakes,

The benefit of airbags,

And the benefit of seatbelts

But we forget Allah,


When you feel your life is in danger, when illness threatens your health, when your child is far from you, and you fear for him lose or bad friends, or when your hard-earned wealth is on the verge of loss—remember that one of your Lord’s Names is: Al-Hafeez. It is time to renew your faith in this Magnificent Name and reflect deeply upon it.

He alone preserves your life, health, children, wealth, and everything!

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O heart, be reassured…

Sheikh As-Sa’di (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “Al-Hafeez is the One who preserves what He has created, encompasses with His knowledge everything He has brought into existence, protects His allies from falling into sins and destruction, and is gentle with them in their movements and stillness.”
His preservation is perfect, His care is unmatched, and ultimate peace comes from being under His protection.
He protects His servants, so we often say: “O Allah, protect me from in front of me, behind me, to my right, to my left, from above me, and I seek refuge in Your Majesty from being taken from beneath me.”
You entrust all six directions of your being to Him, asking for a protective shield to surround you from every side—and no one but Allah can do this!
He preserves your hearing and sight, so we supplicate in the morning and evening:”O Allah, grant me well-being in my hearing. O Allah, grant me well-being in my sight.”
Without your hearing and sight, you would lose the tools to comprehend this world. You would live in a dark isolation, suffocated by the silence of life.
“Say, ‘Tell me, if Allah were to take away your hearing and your sight and seal your hearts, which god other than Allah could restore them to you?’”
Al-Hafeez is the One who preserves your hearing, through which you might hear unlawful things. If He wills, He could take it away in an instant.
He preserves your sight, through which you might look at lawful things. If He wills, He could take it away in an instant.
He also preserves your faith, so you plead to Him in prostration: “O Turner of hearts and eyes, make my heart steadfast upon Your religion.”
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Paths of Straying!

If Allah does not keep your heart firm upon His religion, doubts will surround you, and whims will snatch you away.

Some scholars spent their lives immersed in books and ink, but Allah did not will to grant the protection of their faith—some disbelieved in Allah, and others innovated in religion. And you, with your limited knowledge, you still prostrate to Him? This is because Al-Hafeez has preserved your faith!

Consider the scholar Abdullah Al-Qasimi, who once wrote a book defending Islam titled “The Conflict between Islam and Paganism.” It was said, perhaps in exaggeration, that it was his “dowry for Paradise,” and he was praised from the pulpit of the Haram. But years later, the fingers of deviation touched his heart—may Allah protect us. Doubts began to weave webs of uncertainty in his mind, turning certainties into mere possibilities and truths into mere opinions. Under the weight of these doubts and heaps of misguidance, he wrote a book attacking Islam titled “These Are the Shackles,” in which he claimed that Allah’s religion is a burden of chains and restrictions. We seek refuge in Allah from such disgrace!

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It is Al-Hafeez Who preserves your faith—not the information stored in your head. Do not be deceived by your knowledge, memorization of the Qur’an, or understanding of the Sunnah. By Allah, you will stray unless Allah protects your faith!
Reflect on Bal’am bin Ba’ura, whom Allah granted His Greatest Name by which he could call upon Allah at any time, and his prayers would be answered. Yet this magnificent gift did not prevent him from deviating, and he perished among the doomed.
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Forgetting Allah!

Al-Hafeez is the One Who preserves your life. This is why, when we part from our loved ones, we entrust them to Him, saying: “I entrust you to Allah, whose trusts are never lost.” Nothing placed under Allah’s Preservation and Care may be lost.Every accident from which someone is saved has Al-Hafeez behind it. Yet, we remember the benefit of anti-slip brakes, the benefit of airbags, and the benefit of seatbelts—but forget Allah!

When waves violently toss a ship and hearts reach the throats in fear, who prevents the sea from swallowing it whole?

I once watched a recording of a ship being battered by waves. Inside, people were thrown violently from one side to the other. They owned nothing, and they could not even think of anything. The only thing they could do was clinging to anything they could grasp. The scene outside showed the ship as a mere speck amid the strong waves.

When a pilot announces a fault in the aircraft, the passengers—each previously immersed in their own worlds—suddenly turn to Allah. They take refuge in Allah and repent, forgetting their ambitions, dreams, and worries, consumed by the thought of death alone.

Who, by His power, repairs the fault, allowing the plane to land safely? Who turns those frightened shadows of humans back into living safely?

I once experienced severe turbulence while flying. At that moment, I truly grasped the enormity of the aircraft and how it was suspended midair over an endless desert. It was a fear beyond ordinary fear. How could I have been so heedless during all my previous flights of this terrifying image of this huge object flying into the air by Allah’s Power?

We call upon Him in the sea to save our ships

Yet when we reach the shore, we disobey Him

We ride the skies in peace and comfort

And we do not fall, for Al-Hafeez preserves us.

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The Protecting Angels

Allah the Al-Mighty says: “For each person, there are successive angels in front of him and behind him, protecting him by the decree of Allah.”
For your sake, Al-Hafeez commands four angels to surround you, shielding you from anything He has not decreed upon you.
How could He not be Al-Hafeez (the Preserver) when He assigns all this number of honorable angels to guard you—keeping away bullets He has not willed to harm you, rocks He has not decreed to end your life, and even a mosquito He has not destined to sting you?
I was astounded when I watched a video of the assassination attempt on Sheikh ‘Aaidh Al-Qarni in the Philippines. The assailant fired six bullets at his chest from a distance of about a meter. There was no barrier between the bullets and the Sheikh; the shooter seemed professional, and the Sheikh and his companions offered no resistance. Yet, the Sheikh emerged from this heinous attempt unharmed!!
Compare this to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, who was killed by a single distant bullet while his vehicle was moving and guards and soldiers surrounded himhim.
Sheikh ‘Aaidh later revealed that he had recited the morning and evening supplications, seeking Allah’s protection. That incident was an integrated lesson—a book in several volumes—on the meaning of the Name ‘Al-Hafeez’!
Between Two Parentheses
Do you know that He protects you at every moment?
In fact, He protects you hundreds of times in every moment!
At this very moment, as you read these words (between the parentheses), He has protected your heart from stopping, your arteries from clogging, your mind from insanity, your kidneys from failure, your nerves from damage, your head from headaches, your stomach from ulcers, your intestines from inflammation, your limbs from paralysis, your eyes from blindness, your hearing from deafness, and your tongue from muteness. All this and more, He preserves in this very moment and then continues this preservation in the following moment, and so on.
So how often should we say, “Alhamdulillah” (praises be to Allah) in just one moment?
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A Bottle…

If you park your car in a dark place and fear thieves might steal it, entrust it to Al-Hafeez (The Preserver), for He will never let you lose what has been entrusted to Him.
If you leave your house and worry about your children, say: “I entrust you to Allah, in whose trust nothing is lost.” You will return to find them in the best condition by Allah’s Will, for He is Al-Hafeez!
If circumstances force you to leave something valuable in a public or unsafe place, turn your heart to Him and say: “O Allah, protect it,” and trust that the watchful eye of Allah will guard it until you return.
Four friends decided to visit a place 60 kilometers from Tabuk called “Ni’mah Reet.” They began descending on foot at nine in the morning to “Al-Shaq.” Al-Shaq is a massive fissure in the earth’s crust; descending into it is an adventure, even a gamble with one’s life!
Their love for adventure drove them to descend. They reached the bottom in about half an hour and stayed there until almost sunset, trying to ascend back to the surface. They clung to rocks, slipped on smooth slopes, and watched layers of rock crumble beneath their feet. They passed through narrow spaces wide enough for their toes.
They grew exhausted, their feet cracked, and they were utterly drained. Thirst consumed them to the point of desperation. In short, they saw death staring them in the face!
Their hearts were attached to Allah, certain that none could protect them but Him. One of them, with the others bearing witness, prayed to Allah persistently, even as thirst overwhelmed him to the point of wishing for death. Suddenly, in a place that no human foot could have reached recently, he spotted a clean bottle of drinking water. He wasn’t just overjoyed at the water, which he shared with his companions. He was overjoyed with Allah, Who was with him in that moment. He realized that the same Allah who placed that bottle there at that precise moment would save them from their deadly journey.
To him, the bottle no longer symbolized escape from death but the preservation of Al-Hafeez, the Ever-Watchful Protector.
Just before sunset, they reached the surface. Their faces were blackened, their clothes torn, their legs bleeding profusely. Yet their faith in Allah was as immense as the mountains that surrounded them.
Eyes that stay awake and eyes that sleep
In affairs that may or may not occur
Surely, a Lord who sufficed you yesterday,
Will suffice you tomorrow from whatever comes.
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The Greatest, the Most Magnificent, the Most Supreme

The Name Al-Hafeez (The Preserver) holds a story with every creature. He does not create His creations and then abandon them; rather, He equips them with the tools with which they face life’s surprises. He grants each creature its unique weapon to navigate the battles of life:

He preserves some animals with their ability to run swiftly, like the gazelle and the rabbit.

He safeguards others with horns to pierce anyone who approaches them with harm, like the rhinoceros and the buffalo.

He preserves some of them with their massive size, crushing their enemies with their weight, like the elephant and the bear.

He preserves others with an electric shock as their defense mechanism, stunning anyone who touches them, like the jellyfish!

He preserves some creatures with the poison within their bodies, like snakes and scorpions.

He preserves the chameleon with its ability to change color when needed.

He preserves others with flying, some by their agility, and others by their climbing skills.

This is just a glimpse of His preservation, and what humanity does not know of His ways of safeguarding is far greater, more magnificent, and more supreme.

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He Defends You

One of the manifestations of God’s preservation is that He defends the believers: “Indeed, Allah defends those who have believed.”
Reflect on this: He does not merely repel evil from them, but He defends them against it! This hints at the intensity of what they will face and the variety of its forms. Yet, knowing the schemes of His enemies, God defends and shields His beloved ones.
In a sacred hadith, God says: “Whoever shows enmity to a friend of Mine, I declare war upon him.”
Imagine a war between an enemy of truth, faith, and religion and God Himself!
Who is the victor? Who is the defeated? Who is the forsaken?
For His believing servants, He is Al-Hafeez, preserving them with special protection filled with love, care, and mercy.
The disbelievers of Quraish surrounded a cave containing two men: Muhammad(peace be upon him) and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq. They were driven by financial incentives to kill them, fueled by deep-seated envies and the desire to claim the glory of capturing the most important figure of that era.
Fear crept into Abu Bakr’s heart. His noble companion reassured him: “What do you think of two when Allah is their third?”
O Abu Bakr, do you think we are only two? No, we are three!
At that moment, fears dissolved, trembling ceased, and apprehension melted away:
“When Divine Care watches over you
Sleep, for all fears become safety.”
Look at the Companions of the Cave who turn to Him and seek His guidance. He led them to an open cave—a cave with no door exposed to humans, insects, and wild animals. Yet, He wanted to preserve them, so He sent one of His soldiers: the soldier of terror. No one dared approach the cave, for whoever attempted was overcome with such terror that they fled in fright: “If you had looked at them, you would have turned away in flight and been filled with terror of them.”
When we cast something, we throw a pen, book, or rock. But God casts things far more profound, stranger, and greater.
He, Glory be to Him, says: “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved.”
For the sake of His servants and allies, He instills terror in the hearts of the disbelievers, causing their limbs to tremble in fear of Allah’s allies!
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Valleys of the Lions

Allah the Al-Mighty protects and preserves you with His angels. Whoever recites Ayat al-Kursi before sleeping, Allah appoints an angel to stand by his head and protect him from anything not decreed by Allah.

What do you fear when Allah is with you?

This Name (Al-Hafeez – The Preserver) fills you with confidence in the Ever-Living, who never dies. It gives you the courage to walk in the dark, cross valleys full of lions, and wade through crocodile-infested swamps. The Preserver surrounds you with a shield of protection, rendering all these dangers as insignificant as child’s play.

Of course, this is consistent taking the necessary precautions, as we have been commanded to do so. Our Prophet (peace be upon him) consistently took measures during his migration, battles, and throughout his life. However, while these precautions hold importance, Allah remains in your heart as the All-Knowing, the All-Powerful, the Preserver.

If you read the story of Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sumait, who traveled to Africa to preach and spread Islam, you would understand the meaning of “Al-Hafeez.” Despite traversing treacherous swamps and desolate valleys in the depths of the African continent, enduring hunger, thirst, and illness, no harm befell him. For twenty-five years, he pursued his chosen path and eventually passed away peacefully in Kuwait on a bed. Reflecting on his story reveals the profound essence of Allah as Al-Hafeez.

Some stories, while unverifiable, are often cited as signs of Allah’s protection over His righteous servants. For example, it is said that two soldiers of Al-Hajjaj captured Saeed bin Jubair. On their journey, heavy rains forced them to seek shelter in a monk’s monastery, but Saeed refused to enter, abstaining from a place where Allah was worshipped in error. They left him outside. Then he was approached by a lion, and the soldiers and monk shouted at him to flee, but Saeed remained still, immersed in remembrance of Allah. The lion came, seemed to whisper something to him, and then walked away. Witnessing this, the two soldiers saw the situation with terror while the monk declared, “This is a friend of Allah!”

Take all your worldly possessions and leave,

My heart was free, unbound, and strange

For I am the wealthiest among you,

Even if you see me alone and deprived!

Who made the lion halt at the last moment? It was Al-Hafeez!

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The Fragility of Humans and the Strength of Allah

I once saw a harrowing video on YouTube of a man crossing train tracks on foot. The train was speeding toward him, and he estimated he could make it to the other side in time.
Suddenly, his foot got stuck between the rails. He struggled to free it as the train’s terrifying roar approached. Its sound filled the place with terror of death, and the man was about to die out of terror before the train would reach him. Just as the train was mere meters away, Allah willed the rail to loosen, freeing his foot in a fraction of a second. In that blink, the tragedy that seemed inevitable was averted.
Trust in your weakness, in the frailty of your judgment, in your poverty, but attach your heart firmly to Allah and repeat:
I am the needy one before the Lord of creation,
I am the destitute in all my states.
The Prophet Lot faced his people attacking his house, intending to break down the door and seize his guests, who were angels. How shameful it would have been for the wicked to overpower his household. In his moment of helplessness, Lot said: “If only I had the strength to resist you or could take refuge in a strong support.”
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) later commented: “May Allah have mercy on Lot; he indeed had a strong support.”
“Cling tightly to Allah’s rope,
For it is the pillar when all others fail!
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Oh Young Man!

Sometimes, Allah protects you even through your enemies. How can this be?

It is said that a thief broke into a house, intending to steal it. In one room, he found a child with his parents. The thief carried the child to another room, but the child cried out, waking the parents. As they searched the house for their child, the thief took the opportunity to enter their room to steal. Suddenly, the ceiling of that room collapsed, burying the thief.

What brought the thief into that home to save the family from death under the rubble through a plot that was against not for him? It was Al-Hafeez Who preserves His servants even through their enemies.

One of the greatest ways to seek Allah’s preservation is to preserve His commands.

Reflect on the profound words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): “O young man, I will teach you some words: Preserve Allah, and He will preserve you. Preserve Allah, and you will find Him before you. Get to know Allah in times of ease, and He will know you in times of hardship.”

Preserve Allah, and He will preserve you.

Preserve His commands by fulfilling them as He instructed.

And preserve His prohibitions by avoiding them as He forbade.

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That’s all there in this chapter: rise above your fears and sorrows. Allah will save you from them just as He saved Dhun-Nun (Prophet Yunus, peace be upon him).
No worry, grief, or distress can compare to the anguish of Yunus, who faced three layers of darkness: the darkness of the sea, the darkness of the night, and the darkness of the belly of the whale. Imagine living eternally in such a grim state—darkness, constriction, suffocation.
But he confronted this overwhelming trial with a single phrase:
“There is no god but You, Glory be to You; indeed, I have been among the wrongdoers.”
Those frail words ascended, piercing the darkness of the whale, the sea, and the night, and rose to the heavens. It is narrated that the angels heard his voice and said, O Lord, a familiar voice from an unfamiliar place!”
Then came relief, protection, and forgiveness. The whale cast him onto the shore, and Al-Hafeez (The Preserver) caused a gourd tree to grow over him.
We are all like Yunus in this life, trapped by the hardships it surrounds us with. And nothing can save us from them except:
“There is no god but You, Glory be to You; indeed, I have been among the wrongdoers.”
O Allah, protect us with Your care, shield us with Your guardianship, and place before us, behind us, on our right, on our left, above us, and beneath us a shield from You that saves us from all that we fear and dread.
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