Steps to perfect Arabic

  Steps to perfect Arabic Steps to perfect Arabic is the language you need to [...]

Quran is the source of happiness

Quran is the source of happiness Quran is the source of happiness Throughout our whole [...]

Etiquettes of reading Quran

Etiquettes of reading Quran   Etiquettes of reading Quran When you start reading Quran you [...]

The importance of the Quran

The importance of the Quran The importance of the Quran was the great book revealed [...]

How to memorize the Quran

How to memorize the Quran How to memorize the Quran In most of the Arab [...]

The religion of peace

The religion of peace The religion of peace Islam is the last message revealed from [...]

Obeying Parents

  Obeying Parents Obeying parents is one of the most important worships in Islam; it’s [...]

Neyyah In islam

  Neyyah, intention, is the most important part of all of the Muslims’ deeds. Before [...]


ISLAM AND HONESTY Honesty was one of the prophets (PUH) characteristics. He was called the [...]

Telling Truth

Telling Truth Telling Truth Every Muslim should know that telling truth must be part of [...]