Islamic studies grade 01

Islamic studies grade 01 Islamic studies grade 01  is the first level in the Online [...]

Islamic studies grade 04

Islamic studies grade 04 is the fourth level in the Online Islamic studies series, presented [...]

10 ways to learn arabic online for free

10 ways to learn Arabic online for free  You may find many Arabic courses online [...]

Arabic language

The Arabic language is the fifth most spoken language in the world and the most [...]

Etiquettes of seeking knowledge in Islam

Etiquettes of seeking knowledge in Islam Learning Arabic is one of the most important knowledge [...]

How to speak the Arabic language

How to speak the Arabic language To Learn Arabic Language is an advantage, but what [...]

Arabic online conversation

Arabic online conversation This course is for advanced students. Al-Azhar Quran Teaching set this online [...]

Steps to perfect Arabic

Steps to perfect Arabic is the language you need to learn if you want to [...]

Quran is the source of happiness

Quran is the source of happiness Quran is the source of happiness Throughout our whole [...]

Etiquettes of reading Quran

Etiquettes of reading Quran When you start reading the Quran you should be clean, to [...]