The virtue of ayat Al Kursi
Ayat al-Kursi is one of the greatest verses in the Holy Quran. It is the greatest verse because it contains the most beautiful names, divine attributes, oneness, life, knowledge, sovereignty, power and will of Allah the Almighty, and negates any shortcomings from Him, glory be to Him. It is described as the Lady of the Holy Quran because it contains fifty words, and each word contains fifty blessings. Ayat al-Kursi includes more than 17 of the most beautiful names of Allah. When was it revealed? It was revealed at night. When it was shown, every idol in the world fell, as did every king in the world, and the crowns fell from their heads, and the devils fled.
Why is it called Ayat al-Kursi? The Throne is the basis of rule and the symbol of kingship, and it is the sign of absolute divinity. God raised it at the beginning with His name (Allah) and at its end with His name (the Highest, the Almighty). It raises with it everyone who clings to it and holds fast to it, and whoever memorizes it, it protects him and raises him with it to the highest position and the most sublime status. Do you know the virtue of the Throne Verse?
This is a verse that God Almighty revealed and made a reward for its reader in the immediate and the future. As for the immediate, whoever recites it in the four corners of his house will be a guard for the house and will drive the devil out of it. As for whoever recites it at night, the devil will leave the house and will not enter it until morning, and God will make him safe for himself. As for whoever recites it… in bed before sleeping for himself or his children, God will protect them, and no devil will come near them until morning, and He will keep away from them nightmares and disturbing dreams. As for the future, for whoever recites it after every prayer, God, the Majestic, the Generous, will take charge of taking his soul.
In the following lines, the text of the Throne Verse is written:
Allah – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.
Allah – there is no deity except Him:
Meaning: There is no creator or true and honest deity except Allah, the Almighty, and everything other than Him is false in origin. This verse is the foundation of monotheism: One, with no partner, no peer, no minister, and no advisor. Its meaning is: the prohibition of worshipping anything other than Allah. He is the true God, and we seek that all types of worship, obedience, and deification be for Him, the Most High, due to His perfection, the perfection of His attributes, and the greatness of His blessings. And because the servant deserves to be a servant of his Lord, obeying His commands and avoiding His prohibitions. Everything other than Allah is false, so worshipping anything other than Him is false, because everything other than Allah is a created, imperfect, managed, and poor creature in all aspects, so it does not deserve any type of worship.
(Allah): Allah indicates that He is the deity and worshipped, whom creation deifies with love, reverence, submission, and fear in needs and calamities.
He Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence:
Allah the Almighty praised Himself with two beautiful and sublime attributes, saying: (The Ever-Living, the Sustaining of [all] existence).
(The Ever-Living): He who does not die, and He is the One who has always existed and is described by life, life does not occur to Him after death, and death does not befall Him afterlife, and all living things are the same, death and non-existence befall them, so everything perishes except His Face, glory be to Him.
(The Sustaining of [all] existence): That is, He is the One who is always in charge of all the affairs of creation, and He is the One who is in charge of everything, so Allah the Almighty is in charge of managing His creation in their creation, their sustenance, and everything they need.
Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep:
This is from the perfection of His life and His self-sufficiency, that He, the Blessed and Exalted, (is not overtaken by drowsiness or sleep), meaning: He is not overcome by drowsiness or sleep, because these are among the symptoms of humanity, and God is the opposite of that.
(drowsiness): the beginning of drowsiness, then it becomes sleep, and (sleep) is stronger than sleep, and if that is the case, then denying the dominance of sleep and drowsiness over God Almighty is the realization of the perfection of (life) and the continuity of management, and the proof of the perfection of (knowledge), and what is meant by this verse is that God Almighty is not overtaken by any defect nor does boredom overtake Him under any circumstances.
To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth:
Since God Almighty is always standing in His kingdom, and no one shares with Him in it, nor does anyone have authority over Him, He Almighty and Majestic has established this self-sufficiency by saying (To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth), meaning: everything in them and everything in them belongs to Him, He acts alone with His wisdom, power, and care, and all His servants and His kingdom are under His control and authority.
Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission?:
Meaning: No creature, whoever he may be, neither a close angel nor a sent prophet, has any intercession or supplication with God Almighty except with His approval and permission, for all intercession belongs to God alone. This is from His greatness, majesty and pride, the Almighty, that no one dares to intercede with Him except with His permission to intercede. God Almighty does not allow anyone to intercede with Him out of right and presumption, because all creatures belong to Him. However, whoever He, the Almighty, wants to show His honor with Him intercedes with Him, so He permits him to intercede for whomever He wants.
He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them:
That is, Allah the Almighty knows everything in the heavens and on the earth of the affairs of His creation, its past, present and future, and of the affairs of this world and the hereafter. What is meant by that is: general knowledge of all beings on earth and in the heavens. And Allah the Almighty knows all information, nothing is hidden from Him of the conditions of all His creation, even the crawling of a black ant on a solid rock under the dusty earth in the dark night, or the movement of an atom in the atmosphere of the sky, or a bird in the air, or a fish in the water. Nothing is hidden from Him on earth or in the sky or in between. He knows the secrets and mysteries of His kingdom and His creations, glory be to Him.
and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He: wills:
Meaning: They do not comprehend of knowledge or understanding except to the extent that the Lord of the Worlds has made known to them or from Him, who taught man what he did not know, so God gave them from His knowledge what He willed and as He willed. There is no questioning of His judgment, and He is swift in reckoning. No one is informed of anything of God’s knowledge except by the will and teaching of God. So what man knows of the unseen world and what man knows of the world of witness and the laws of this universe and how to harness it is by the will and teaching of God. He is the One who taught man what he did not know and He is the One who taught everything that He knows.
His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth:
The Throne is a metaphor in the verse for the greatness of knowledge, its comprehensiveness and its breadth, a metaphor for the greatness of His power, the influence of His will, the breadth of His knowledge and the perfection of His comprehension.
and their preservation tires Him not:
Meaning: He who created what is in the heavens and what is on the earth of many creatures, it is not difficult for Him, the Almighty and Majestic, to preserve them, nor is He incapable of caring for what He created in them, nor is He burdened by running their affairs according to what He has decreed and predestined for them. So glory be to He by whose command the heavens stand and the earth rotates by whose revelation He raised the mountains, made the rivers flow, moved the air, split the grain and brought forth the fruits, and existence is in His grasp and everything in it is His will. No heaven disobeys Him, and no earth or cloud goes out of His obedience.
And He is the Most High, the Most Great:
That is, Allah the Most High is above His creation, and no one can ascend to His lofty station. He is also the Great, the Possessor of awe and majesty, the Exalted in His greatness, the Most High is above all that is great.
(The Most High): It is interpreted as meaning that He is higher than others in status, so He is more deserving of the attributes of perfection. It is also interpreted as meaning that He is superior to them in power and dominance, so it refers to Him being able to dominate them and they are the ones who are able.
(The Most Great): He who has been perfected in His greatness, so He is great in His essence and attributes, so His lofty essence is exalted above similarity and He is the Creator, the Dominant, the Able, and He alone is the God who is truly worshipped, and He is the One from whom everything in existence glorifies Him with His praise, so He alone is the Great, the One who is worshipped alone, the One who is glorified alone. If the veils of life have led most people astray and they do not know His greatness in the transient, then the greatness of the Possessor of Majesty will be revealed to them in the everlasting.
These are the two comprehensive descriptions (and He is the Most High, the Most Great) for all the previous descriptions, for Allah, the Most High, the Most Great.
The merit of Ayat al-Kursi is that it indicates:
The oneness of divinity, as Allah, the Most High, says (Allah, there is no god but He).
The oneness of creation and formation, as there is no creator with Allah, the Most High, nor any will that prevents His will. This is indicated by most of what is in the noble verse, such as His, the Most High, saying: (The Ever-Living, the Self-Sustaining), and His, the Most High, saying: (To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth).
The oneness of the essence and attributes, meaning that nothing resembles Allah, or any of His creation. Allah, the Most High, says (There is nothing like Him), and He indicated this by His, the Most High, saying: (Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep), and His, the Most High, saying: (And He is the Most High, the Most Great). Allah, the Lord of the worlds, is exalted greatly. Allah, the Most High, has taken care of us with His care, success, and guidance.
Finally, the merit of Ayat al-Kursi:
It raises with it everyone who clings to it and holds on to it.
For whoever recites it in the four corners of his house, it will be a guard for the house and will expel the devil from it.
*For whoever recites it in his home before travelling, his home will be under the protection of Allah from theft and all calamities.
*For whoever recites it at night, the devil will leave the house and will not enter it until morning, and Allah will make him, his neighbour, his neighbour’s neighbour, and the houses around him safe.
*For whoever recites it in bed before sleeping for himself or his children, Allah will protect them and no devil will come near them until morning, and He will keep away from them nightmares and disturbing dreams.