Arabic for Salah & Duas for new Muslims
Arabic is considered the language of Salah & Duas in the Islamic religion, and it is the language in which the Holy Quran was revealed and the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was established. Therefore, the importance of the Arabic language for new Muslims is not limited to understanding the religion only but extends to include performing acts of worship correctly, and the most important of these acts of worship are prayer and supplications.
Arabic for Salah & Duas
In the following lines, we explain the reasons for the importance of Arabic for Salah & Duas for new Muslims in prayer and supplications:
Arabic is an individual obligation and a communal obligation:
- Faith requires knowing the basic concepts of thesome parts of the Holy Quran Arabic language and memorizing.
- What we understand from this statement by Sheikh al-Islam is that every Muslim should know at least the basics of Arabic that enable him to perform his religious duties.
- The question remains as to what is sufficient. Technically, if a person knows the Shahada, the first Surah of the Quran (al-Fatihah) and some verses, this is sufficient to perform his duties accurately.
- What Ibn Taymiyyah is pointing out is that knowing a little Arabic may be sufficient to perform his duties, but it is the duty of society that some people know it, teach it and learn it deeply because it is a condition for understanding the religion correctly.
It is essential to understand the Quran and Sunnah:
- This second reason builds on the previous one, which seems quite obvious, but there is more to it than it may seem initially.
- The Quran was revealed in Arabic and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) spoke Arabic. The only way we can access this knowledge directly is if we know the language.
- This is not only important for people seeking the sacred sciences, but to some extent, for everyone. It allows you to read the words of Allah and His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) without translation for Arabic for daily prayers.
- Deepening our knowledge of Arabic will increase our understanding of the Quran and the Hadiths, increasing our guidance and peace of mind.
Arabic for daily prayers
In the following lines, we explain in detail the importance of Arabic for daily prayers and the importance of learning Arabic Duas:
To have a correct belief and worldview:
- The way our human brain works and how our thoughts are built revolves around language.
- Language is a means of expressing and understanding meanings and a means of understanding the world.
- The words we use are very important because they express how we think and what we think. There are many words in the Holy Quran that cannot be truly translated into another language without losing some of their meanings.
- The word Taqwa in Arabic means fear, caution, and caution, but it also means righteousness, virtue, justice, and honesty. It also means measure and reverence.
- Taqwa can be defined as a person being aware of the truth of Allah to the extent that he respects Him, and thus becomes cautious and guards himself from doing what does not please Him and fears His punishment.
Thinking with the Quran:
- As mentioned before, we need language to think according to Arabic for daily prayers. The more we know the language, the better we can express ourselves in it, and the more detailed our thoughts will be.
- When we learn Arabic, we learn the language of the Qur’an, which means that we will understand concepts and terms better and will be more able to use them.
- The more we are able to use them, the more detailed our thoughts will be. In this way, our minds will be strengthened.
- Knowing Arabic helps us to deepen our understanding of the Qur’an and Sunnah, which strengthens our mind and our understanding of the religion. A strong mind realizes that knowledge requires acting on this knowledge.
- This means that by thinking about the Qur’an and Sunnah, we can act in accordance with the Qur’an and Sunnah.
Salah Arabic words
In the following lines we talk in detail about learn Arabic Duas for Salah Arabic words:
Beautify yourself
- The tongue is the means by which we express our inner world to others. We express our knowledge, beliefs, desires and fears. It is the language in which we communicate.
- Just as we may dress with dignity and modesty, speaking correctly is a way to beautify ourselves.
- What is more beautiful than the dress of the language of the Holy Quran and the language of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace?
The Arabic language is important for new Muslims
- These are five reasons why learning Arabic is important for Muslims for Arabic for daily prayers. Not only is it necessary, but some knowledge of it, at least, can be considered mandatory.
- But there is a final reason that gives meaning to all of the above: love.
- It is the language in which Allah revealed the Quran and the language in which the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, spoke.
- And who among us does not like to speak the language of our loved ones?
Arabic is in high demand in Western countries
Since there are few people who know Arabic in Western countries, mastering the language will make you stand out in every job application and you will need it for Arabic for daily prayers.
The small number of Arabic speakers in the Western world means that any Arabic speaker has a much better chance of finding a job, especially in fields such as engineering, business, international relations, journalism, industry, finance, banking, and the list goes on.
If you are interested in establishing business relations with Middle Eastern countries such as Qatar or the United Arab Emirates, knowing Arabic will be a safe bet.
You will learn about the second-largest religion in the world
Islam is the second largest religion in the world and the main religion in Arab countries and you will need Arabic to learn Arabic Duas. Religion plays an important role in Arab countries, by speaking Arabic you will be able to better understand the Arab world, its traditions and beliefs.
It opens up a whole new world
Imagine what it would be like to be able to travel to over 20 countries and be able to communicate with the locals. Not only will it make your travel easier and more enjoyable, but you will also be able to discover Arab culture, society and traditions in a way that would be impossible if you didn’t speak the language.