The Virtue of Patience

The Virtue of Patience

The Virtue of Patience

Virtue means behaviour or attitude that show high moral standards. Whereas, in the Islamic concept of morality, the deeds which are appreciated by Allah and his Rasool (PBUH)are called virtues. Justice, Honesty, Kindness, Forgiveness, Charity, Truthfulness, Modesty, Humility and Patience are a few of the virtues which are appreciated in Islam. The virtue of patience is among those which are relatively more valued and rewarded by the Allah Almighty. The Holy Quran is the ultimate guide for the Muslims to know the likes, dislikes, preferences and constraints of the Lord. The importance of the virtue of patience can be estimated by the fact that Allah has mentioned its attributes about 90 times in the Holy Quran.

Patience, according to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, means:

“The ability to stay calm and accept the delay, or something annoying without complaining”

It means to tolerate unfavourable circumstances or behaviours without complaining. It is the name of perseverance and endurance in difficult situations. Allah has guided His creation to keep patience at the difficult times and ask for His help. He says in Surah Al-Baqarah:

“O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.”

Indeed, Allah shows His support and companionship for those who remain steadfast and patient at the times of their sufferings and trials.

Types of Patience

Patience (Sabr), in Islam, does not only mean to bear something that is annoying to you. Its meaning is much broader in its true sense. Patience can be classified into three types. First patience is the endurance that is required to fulfill the commands of Allah. Praying His worship (like obligatory prayer daily, fasts in the month of Ramadan, Zakat etc.) requires a lot of self-discipline and patience from the Muslims. For examples, the Muslims have to endure cold water to perform Salah in the winter. They show great patience and self-control when they fastespecially during the summer Ramadan.

The second type of patience is to control your evil desires and abstain from the sins. A person displays patience when he does not gaze at the opposite sex or when he performs his tough duty honestly, in the absence of his superiors. Abstaining from the gambling, alcoholism, theft and back-biting are some of the examples of this type of patience.

The third kind of patience is to control yourself at the times of calamity or big loses. The problems can be in form of some physical illness, world pandemic, business or social losses. The calamity can be in the form of the death of your dear ones. It can be the disloyalty of your beloveds. To face all these difficult situations without complaining to your Lord is called keeping patience.

A lesson by the Beloved Prophet (PBUH)

This virtue is important to be embraced because our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has taught us the lesson of patience and tolerance in his whole life. He (PBUH) displayed forbearance when the people of Taif were throwing stones at him. You witness no complains on his lips on the deaths of his beloved young sons (Qasim and Ibrahim). All the verbal andphysical assaults of the non-Muslims were tolerated with great patience. He (PBUH) remained steadfast and enduring even in the tough times of 29 battles (more or less). He PBUH said,

“Whoever remains patient, Allah will make him patient. Nobody can be given a blessing better and greater than patience.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari – Book 24 Hadith 548)

On many occasions He (PBUH) has encouraged his companions to keep patience. For example: Samurah ibn Jundub narrates: The Prophet (peace be upon him) named our cavalry “the Cavalry of Allah,” when we were struck with panic, and when panic overtook us, the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) commanded us to be united, to have patience and perseverance; and to be so when we fought.


Life is not a bed of roses. You are bound to face losses, hardships or calamities in your life. But the question is how to cope with these bad times? There are only two possible reactions. One way is to get panic and complain about God (or the other people), for what has happened to you. The other way is to seek the help of the Lord by keeping patience. Meanwhile, strive hard to get out of the situation. Patience is always the call of wisdom. It helps you to find a better solution. Furthermore, it will lead you closer to your Lord. Allah Almighty says in Surah Al-Baqarah:

“And seek assistance through patience and prayer…” [Al-Baqarah 2:45].

Allah Almighty also announces his help and companionship for those who remain steadfast and show patience at the times of trials. He says:

“Indeed, Allah is with the patient.” [Al-Baqarah 2:153]

What is the need of worry when the Creator and the Supreme is with you? Yes, you need no more worries. It may take a big heart sometimes. But the better understanding of the Holy Quran and Seerah (life study of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH) will give you the required strength and courage.

The Reward of Patience

It saves you from more disaster. It helps you to get out of stress and anxiety. If you do not get its reward in this world you are sure to get it in the world hereafter. Another reward that you get by showing patience is the “love of the Creator”. Allah Almighty says in Surah Al-Imraan:

“And Allaah loves As-Saabiroon (the patient).” (3:146)

The blessing of Allah’s love can lead you to the success of both worlds. Rewards and trials go side by side. Patience is the best approach at the times of trial. On another occasion Allah promises:

“Only those who are patient shall receive their reward in full, without reckoning.” (39:10)

Your virtue of patience in this mortal world can earn you eternal peace and success. Instead of being disappointed and complaining to Allah, remember the Quranic verse:

“Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.” (94: 6)

Pass the times of hardship with patience and hope for the good times. This one virtue can be enough to get Allah to your side. He is always with you.

“So be patient with good patience.” (Surat Al-Ma`ārij (70:5)] REGISTER NOW

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