The Rules of Noon Sakinah

The Rules of Noon Sakinah

The Rules of Noon Sakinah and Tanween “Nunnation”

Tanween: It is (actually) a Noon Sakinah which comes at the end of the nouns. It is pronounced but not written as Noon Sakinah. It is only pronounced during the continuous reciting of verses, not while pausing. The sign of Tanween is doubling the signs
(harakat) ; Two fatha,two Kasrah, and two Dammah, as in the following:
One letter doesn’t have more than one sign movement (haraka)
at the same time.
The double signs above the letter mean that the first is the
movement of the letter while the second is an indication for
tanween, as in the following:
{عَلِيمًا} is pronounced as عليمَنْ
{ رَحيمٌ} is pronounced as رحيمُنْ
{بَيْتٍ} is pronounced as بيتِنْ
The Rules of Noon Sakinah and Tanween
1. Ith-har (clarity)
2. Idghaam (merging)
3. Iqlab (Turning)
4. Ikhfaa (Hiding)
The First Rule: Ith-har
The Linguistic and the applied definitions of Ith-har are mentioned
above on page 262.
The Noon Sakinah or the Tanween is pronounced clearly if they are
followed by any of the six throat letters:
ء‌, ه,‌ ع,‌ ح, ‌غ, خ‌
Some examples on Ith’har of The Noon Saakin
and the Tanween
Noon sakinah
{منۡ ءَامَنَ}
{كَفَّارٍ أثِيمٍ}
{ مِنۡ هَادٍ }
{قَوۡمٍ هَادٍ}
{ أَنۡعَمۡتَ }
{ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ }
Some examples on Ith’har of The Noon Saakin
and the Tanween
Noon sakinah
{عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ}
{ فَسَيُنۡغِضونَ}
{مَآءً غَدَقًا}
{ مِنۡ خَيۡرٍ }
{ كَرَّةٌ خَاسِرَةٌ}
The symbol of Ith-har of The Noon Sakinah
The sign of the Ith-har of the Noon Sakinah in The Holy Quran is
the head part of letter khaa letter without dot on the Noon
Sakinah, as in the following:
The sign of Ith-har of the Tanween in the Holy Quran is to double
the sign (Harakat) above the letter; one for the movment of the
letter and the other as an indication for the Tanween like:
As in :
The symbol of Ith-har of The Noon Sakinah
The Second Rule: The Idghaam
The Linguistic and the applied dention of Idghaam are
mentioned above on pages (230 and 231).
The Idghaam of Noon Sakinah and Tanween occurs when the Noon
Sakinah and Tanween are followed by one of the six letters which
are collected in the word (يَرْمُلُون)
There are two types of Idghaam:
1- Idghaam with Ghunnah: its letters are (collected in the word) يُومِنُ
or . ينمو
2- Idghaam without Ghunnah: its letters are ر, ل))
Examples on Idghaam with Ghunnah of The Noon
Sakinah and the Tanween
Noon sakinah
{ فَمَن يَعۡمَلۡ }
{ خَيۡرًا يَرهُ }
{ مِن وَلِىٍّ}
{شَىۡءٍ وَكِيلٌ }
{ مِن مَّالِ }
{خَيۡرٌ مِّنۡ }
{ وَ لَن نُّشۡرِكَ}
{ شَىۡءٍ نُّكُرٍ }
Examples on Idghaam without Ghunnah of The
Noon Sakinah and the Tanween
Noon sakinah
{مِن لَّدُنۡهُ } (مِلَّدُنْهُ)
{ فِتۡنَةً لَّهُمۡ } (فِتْنَتَلَّهُمْ)
{ مِن رَّبِّكَ} (مِرَّبِّكَ)
{ غَفُورٌ رَّحيمٌ } ( غَفُورُ رَّحِيم)
Read as
Read as
Read as
Read as
How To Pronounce The Idghaam With Ghunnah
As it is mentioned before in (points of articulation of letters)
section on page (112) that the pronunciation of Noon(ن) is divided
into two parts; the first is the glossal tongue and the other is a nasal
suplemmentary part (which is the ghunnah).
When the Idghaam with ghunnah occurs ,the glossal part turns into
the point of articulation (makhraj) of the letter that follows the
Noon. The ghunnah sound remains clear accompanying the
merged letter . when the reader comes to pronounce the letter that
follows the Noon Sakinah and Tanween then the sound of ghunnah
will stop as in the following chart:
How To Pronounce The Idghaam With Ghunnah
(فَمَيْـــــــــــــــيَعْمَلْ) {فَمَن يَعْمَلْ}
{ خَيْرٌ مِّنْ} (خَيْرُ مْـــــــــــــــمِنْ)
Read as
with long
Read as
with long
The position of the two parts of noon sakinah in
the 2 types of Idghaam
Glossal part
Nasal part
Idghaam with
Clear and long
{ مِن وَلىٍّ}
without gunnah
{ مِن رَّبِّكَ}
Note (1)
Do not merge theNoon Sakinah or the Tanween into Yaa’ (ي) or
Waaw (و) , if they (noon and , Yaa’ or Waaw) occur in the same
word. This is found in (these only four ) words
1- {قِنْوَانٌ} and {صِنْوَانٌ}
2- {الدُّنيَا} and {بُنْيـــَٰنٌ}
Note (2)
In the narration of Hafs from Asim (رواية حفص عن عاصم) from the
way of Ash-Shaatibiyyah, there is no Idghaam of Noon into waaw
(و) in the continuous reciting of verses such as:
There is Ith-har of Noon
“The noon sound is clear”
The Complete Idghaam Of The Noon Sakinah
The complete Idghaam of the Noon into the following 4 letters (ن,
م, ل, ر) is respresnted by writing the noon without Sukoon “circle
symbol” and by adding shaddah (ّ) to the following letter as in the
The Complete Idgham Of The Tanween
complete Idghaam of the Tanween into the following 4 letters ن, م,
ل, ر))is represented by drawing the two same signs beside each
other (one for the movement of the letter and the other as an
indication of the Tanween) and the letter after the tanween will
have shaddah (ّ), as in the following examples:
The Incomplete Idgham Of The Noon Sakinah
The incomplete Idghaam of the Noon into these 2 letters (و, ي) is
represented by writing the noon without Sukoon “circle symbol”
and the following letter will be written without shaddah (ّ), as: { مِن
وَلِىٍّ} {فَمَن يَعْمَلْ}
The Incomplete Idgham Of The Tanween
the incomplete Idgham of Tanween into these two letterو, ي) ) is
represented by by drawing the two same signs beside each other
(one for the movement of the letter and the other as an indication
of the Tanween) and the following letter will be written without
shaddah (ّ), as in the following examples:
The Third Rule: Iqlab
The linguistic definition : turn over or change
The applied definition : The changing of the Noon sakinah or
Tanween into hidden Meem with ghunnah when followed by Baa’
as in the following :
The shape of Mouth upon
pronouncing the Iqlab of the
Noon. Do not leave space
between the two lips and not
press them strongly .
The Iqlab Of The Noon Sakinah
the Iqlab of Noon sakinah in the Holy Quran, is represented by
addindg small Meem above the Noon instead of sukoon, as in
these examples:
The Iqlab Of The Tanween
the iqlab of the Tanween is rpresented by writing small Meem
instead the second sign of Tanween
for example:
The Fourth Rule: Ikhfaa’
The linguistic and applied definitions of Ikhfaa’ have already
mentioned above on page 260.
The Noon sakinah or the Tanween is hiddenly pronounced with
ghunnah( for 2 counts), if either of them is followed by one of
these 15 letters
” ص, ذ, ث, ك, ج, ش, ق, س, د, ط, ز, ف, ت, ض, ظ “
These 15 letters are collected earlier by Sheikh Souliman
Al-jamzory (who was alive in 1198 H.) in the first letter of each
word of this verse:
Examples on Ikhfaa of Noon Sakinah and
Noon sakinah
{ بِريحٍ صَرْصًرٍ}
{ تُنذِرْهُمْ}
{ عَزِيزٌ ذُو انتِقَامٍ}
{ وَ الأُنثَىٰ}
{ مَآءً ثَجَّاجًا}
{ كِرَامًا كَـــــٰتِبِنَ}
Examples on Ikhfaa of Noon Sakinah and
Noon Sakinah
{ أَن جَآءَهُ}
{ عَيْنٌ جَارِيِةٌ}
{مِن شَىْءٍ}
{شَىْءٍ شَهِيدٌ}
{ مِن قَبْلِ}
{شَىْءٍ قَدِيرٌ}
{خَمْسَةُ سَادِسُهُم}
Examples on Ikhfaa of Noon Sakinah and
Noon Sakinah
{ مِن دُون}
{ وَ كَأْسًأ دِهَاقَأ}
{ عَن طَبَقٍ}
{ كَشَجَرَةٍ طَيِّبَةٍ}
{نَفْسًا زَكِيَّة}
{ أَنفًسِكُمْ}
{تَبَعًا فَهَلْ}
Examples on Ikhfaa of Noon Sakinah and
Noon Sakinah
{ مَن تَفَـــٰوُتٍ}
{حِلْيَةً تَلْبَسُونَها}
{ مَنضُودٍ}
{قِسْمَةٌ ضِيزَىٰ}
{ انظُرْ}
{قُرَىًٰ ظَــــــٰهِرَةً}
The Meaning Of The Fact That Ikhfaa’ is state
Between The Idghaam And The
The glossal part
The nasal part
Does not exist
Does not exist
Does not exist
The Process Of Pronouncing The Hidden Noon
1- preparing the mouth to be in the
position of the makhraj of the following
2- the previous step is accompanied by
a long complete ghunnah from nasal
3- these previous steps are also
accompanied with a sound from the
mouth because the makhraj of the noon
is not completely closed except with qaf
and kaf(ق, ك )because their makhraj is
completely closed.
An example on the pronounction
of hidden noon with “ت, ذ “
The Shape Of The Mouth When Pronouncing The
Hidden Noon With Qaf & Kaf (ق, ك)
The tongue position during the hidden Noon
with qaf (ق)
* The tongue backs into the extreme and the
throat becomes narrow producing the
tafkheem of Ghunnah and the oral part is
closed by the furthest tongue part.
The tongue position during the hidden
Noon with kaf( ك)
* This time the tongue should not back
at the rear, the sound of Ghunnah is
light and the oral part is closed by the
furthest tongue part.
The sound of Noon with ikhfaa’ is pronounced with tafkheem if it is followed by
mufakham letter , as in :
{مَنصُورًا} { بِريحٍ صَرْصَرٍ} {عَن طَبقٍ} {انظُرْ}
This is because The tongue backs into the extreme and the sound raises to the upper
palate .
The sound of Noon with ikhfa’a is pronounced with tarqeeq if it is followed by
muraqaq letter , as in
{ الإنسان} {خَمْسَةٍ سَادِسُهُم } {أنفُسِكُمْ} { مِن دُونِ}
The symbol of Ikhfaa of the Noon sakinah
The sign of the Hidden Noon in the Holy Quran is writing the
noon without circle symbol “sukoon” and the following letter is
written without shaddah, as examples:
The symbol of the Ikhfaa’ of the Tanween
The double signs of Tanween are wriiten beside each other and the
letter after the tanween is written without Shaddah, as the
The common Mistakes That Could Happen During
Pronouncing The Noon Sakin Or The Tanween
1- Pronounce them clearly in the postion of Ikhfaa’, Idghaam or Iqlab.
2- Merge them with Waaw (و) and Faa’(ف) without Ghunnah.
3- The mouth is opened separately not closed as it is supposed to be
during changing the noon sakin into hidden meem and this innovated
matter , as:
4- The shape of mouth is the same during the pronounciation of all the
letters of Ikhfaa’ as:
5- elongation of the sound of their Ghunnah more than it is supposed
to be, as: .
6- hiding the sound of Noon and Tanween with (غ & خ) except in
Abi-jaa’far narration, as: .
Ghunnah Timings
Timings of Ghunnah have four levels:
Most complete Ghunnah
Complete Ghunnah
Incomplete Ghunnah
Incomplete Ghuunah Most
1- The Most Complete Ghunnah occurs when the Noon or the
Meem are with shaddah and when they are merged ,as in
2- The Complete Ghunnah occurs when Meem or Noon are
hidden, as in:
Ghunnah Timings
3- The Incomplete Ghunnah occurs when the Noon and
Meen are clearly pronounced, as:
4- The Most Incomplete Ghunnah occurs when the Noon and the
Meem is Mutaharek ,as in:
Ghunnah Timings
The reader should keep the proper timing of the different levels of
Ghunnah in its place whatever the speed of recitation; whether it
is “Tahqeeq” or “Hadr” or even “Tadweer” .*
* Recitation speeds are already shown and explained on page 52.

The Rules of Noon Sakinah
The Rules of Noon Sakinah