The Organs Of Speech And How Sounds And the Arabic Letters Are Produced

The Organs Of Speech And How Sounds And
Letters Are Produced
The main Articulation areas of Arabic letters
Cavum (hollow space of throat and mouth)

Al-Azhar Quran Teaching | The Organs Of Speech And How Sounds And the Arabic Letters Are Produced
The mouth (upper jaw, tongue, teeth, lips)
Nasal passage
The main Articulation areas of Arabic letters
: The main Articulation areas of Arabic letters
Hard Plate Hollow
: Pictures of
the organs of speech
Parts of the throat
(The root of the tongue)
The closest part of the throat
area (to the mouth)
The middle of the
throat area
(Vocal cords)
The deepest part of throat
Top Palate
front palate
hard palate
soft palate
Parts of the tongue
The root of the tongue
The top of the tongue
The centre of the tongue
Tip of the tongue
The head of the tongue
Maximum edge
The edge of the
The lowest edge
The ultimate edge
Teeth (32)
Incisors (4)
Quatrains (4)
Fangs (4)
Premolars (4)
Grinders (12)
Wisdom Teeth (4)

Al-Azhar Quran Teaching | The Organs Of Speech And How Sounds And the Arabic Letters Are Produced

Abu Zakariya Yahya bin Yusuf Alsersari (d. 656 H.) said:Al-Azhar Quran Teaching | The Organs Of Speech And How Sounds And the Arabic Letters Are Produced The folds of the man and his quartets
And his fangs are all in four
And four premolars and six and six the grinders are of use.Al-Azhar Quran Teaching | The Organs Of Speech And How Sounds And the Arabic Letters Are Produced