Online Arabic course

Online Arabic Course

                   Online Arabic course

Arabic is a Semitic language and about 260 million people use this language worldwide and they consider it their first language while some other people can understand this language and consider it their second language.  This language is spoken throughout the world due to its historic and business importance. This language falls in 6 official languages of the UN, while the other UN official languages are English, French, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese. These features increase its worth to learn.

Learning Arabic is not an easy job due to so many accents all over the world. Due to having many dialects. It is difficult to find the best online course. These courses are taught in different dialects. I will try my best to cover these courses in this article.  I will start with top-ranking to down options for your money and time. Relying on the accents you are learning and the way you like to learn and your ability level to absorb and your personal opinion about the course might be different.

Starting from the top-ranking let’s see what are the top rankers and the least one.

1st Layer

PIMSULER, Language Transfer, Memorize, Arabic Pod101, Madinah Arabic

2nd layer

Udemy, FSL Arab Academy, Duo lingo, Learn Lebanese Arabic with Hiba Nejem.

3rd layer

Mango Languages, Glossika, Arabic Online. Michel Thomas, Rosetta stone.

4th layer

Mondly Rocket Arabic, Busuu, Talk in Arabic, Transparent Language

Top tier

The options highlighted in the top tier are available in every dialect


Best for effective communication for skills.

Local Speech:

Eastern, Egyptian, MSA

Price: Subscription starts at $14.95/Month in PIMSLEUR there is not a lot of written material and its simple to work. Speaking and audio quality is much vibrant.


You can get a full command on phrases

Your partition is compulsory

Presence of cultural aspects makes it interesting to learn


It mainly focuses on spoken Arabic so you need more material for written language.

Best Arabic Language supplement

Dialect:  Moroccan, Egyptian, MSA

Price: 8$/Month   to $47 /month

The main focus is to improve speaking abilities. It covers grammars, vocabulary.

Arabic pod   101 provides an excellent job. For beginners the use of English is high but later on, the use of Arabic is more. At each level lessons are available and hides are also offered.


Different tons of lessons available.


Super audio material urges us to listen to videos.


Sometimes mixing of dialects occurs which is really confusing for a beginner.

Top Free Language Learning Tool:

Dialect: Egyptian

Cost: free

An innovative technique based on the student teaching method is used in this course. The student speaks and receive correction.


Efficient lessons are found to learn in each session.

Freely available and offers mine languages to use

Development of strong communication skills due to toped vocabulary


The traditional form is not followed to proceed.

No audio from native speakers, it creates pronunciations problem

Free course to get you started and fill in gaps.

Dialect, Quranic, MSA

Cost: Free

Medina Arabic features   two free courses Arabic Reading and Arabic Language are available and the availability of video lesson, Movie clips, structured vocabulary is also ensured


a free lesson to access

The site can easily be navigating

Availability of medina Arabic culture, audio, video


Lessons are not dynamic

Tutors are expensive

Handy for beginners and developing vocabulary

Dialect. Multiple cost-free, premium $9/Month

The free version is useful to practice skills and new phrases. Stories vocabulary is available


Availability of multiple dialects


Lack of challenging material

Arabic Language courses online

These courses provide an opportunity to increase your skills. Different types of Online courses are available here. But top-rated programs are ultimate Arabic course

Colloquial conversations

The comprehensive course

Boost your listening and conversational skills

Mastering Sentence structure and writing for beginners

These lessons provide both fundamental and practical concepts

The classes provide you all the material necessary to learn the topic thoroughly

Practical assignments are available for daily interaction

Obtain Accountable practices from experience and apply them in your skills.

Available at reasonable prices

Arab Online Courses:

Arab Academy is one of the precious platforms to learn Arabic quickly. It is specially designed to offer the students of any age with different areas of interest and language levels. Each program is designed in this way that different kinds of games and activities are given to improve your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.


The class provide proper guidance to explain concepts

The good learning experience for native and non-native speakers

Flexible schedule

Required   no experience to enroll

Learn Modern Standard Arabic

Arabic online provides you well-experienced instructors, Tailored lessons, Resources, and effective curriculum. Courses are divided into your learning and absorbing capacity. The main focus is on effective communication skills. The Advanced program is for those individuals having 2 years of Arabic study experience.

If you require certification premium classes are best to choose.


No age discrimination

The choice to study Arabic script or western

Communication skill is highly groomed

Certification programs are also available

Modern teaching methodology

Availability of relevant books, Free resources, and tutoring

Learn Arabic for free

 Duolingo is a language learning app:

Different lessons are provided to complete and no experience is required to start the lessons because all topics are fully covered. The main emphasis is on to improve writing and speaking skills

Massive open online courses (MOOCS)

MOOCs provide online free courses It also facilitates other subjects in Arabic. These courses are very helpful and if you cannot afford other paid courses, then this free online course is the best option to choose from.


Arabic instructors are found there. They provide a course on Human Rights and is closely related to Coursera.


There are four different types of courses available and more than forty subtitled are found in the language.

These online courses are of much importance all over the world because the learners are increasing day by day and these courses can help them to learn Arabic more quickly.


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