House of Quran

House of Quran

We are memorizing Quran Online by online Quran Teachers. We have trained the best teachers with Ijazah certificates to help you. Your children memorize verse to verse of the Quran Insha-Allah. Our method is easy and normal. The best Quran teachers from Egypt help you read and memorize the Holy Quran in a short period. We focus on the fresh and learned portion simultaneously to keep the remember part fixed. Memorizing the Quran is our responsibility as Muslims. Our Ummah is responsible for having people in the community keep this holy book in their hearts. Once a Muslim has memorized the Holy book of Allah, it becomes the responsibility to keep it fixed and remember it for the whole life.

For this reason, one should adjust daily and, if possible, recite the Quran to any sheik regularly to remain fixed.

Online Quran teachers accept students to memorize Quran Online at any level, initial from beginner to move ahead. If you need help with memorizing the Holy Quran while you think complicated on your own, then do try our lessons online at any moment in time. Hifz Quran online course is one of the ways where students can memorize

Quran by heart. Your position in this life will be raised. We have a good skill of helping students to memorize the Quran online. We provide our best services in memorizing the Holy Quran at home through the internet. It’s not difficult to memorize the Quran at home because we know how a student goes verse by verse and gradually leads to the final destination.


House of Quran
House of Quran

Rules To Memorize Quran Online

Sincerity: It’s essential to have a pure, faithful intention and brilliant goal to Memorize Quran Online. Care should be taken while learning the Quran online to get Heaven and to make Allah happy. Allah says (meaning of the verse)

“Certainly we have revealed unto you the Book with truth, so worship Allah and make him a sincere cult.”

  1. Pronunciations:

Accurate pronunciation can only be learned by listening to someone who reads well or has memorized Quran correctly. The Quran can only be learned from the best teacher. The Prophet of Allah learned it from Jibreel (PBUH), and the Sahabah learned it from the Prophet. Then it was handed down to the next generations of Ummah.

3. Perfection:

The one who memorizes Quran should never move to the latest verse until he has correctly remembered the previous part. To properly memorize the verses, reciting them in all prayers could help.4He can also use them in nafl prayers. Through this, it will be easier to Memorizing Quran Online

4. Style t Memorizing Quran Online:

One thing that helps you memorize Quran online is to have your copy (a specific edition) and never change it. It’s because you learn by visualizing and listening, so the verses displayed in the Quran remain fixed in your mind every era you read and look at the Quran.

  1. Understanding Is The Key:

To Memorize the Quran Online, one should know how the verses are connected to each other. This means that the one who memorizes Quran must read the tafsir of the verses and the Surah. It helps to keep in mind the verses. And while memorizing verses, one should also dwell on understanding.

6 . Don’t Be in a Hurry:

After memorizing a surah, he should not change to another surah until he has memorized the previous one entirely from beginning to end and can recite it fluently without overthinking.

7 .Acting:

One must not only rely on himself but recite what he has memorized to another person who knows the surah. So that he can description any errors or imperfections in pronunciation. It often happens that a person memorizes in an incorrect way, and doesn’t understand, even when he reads it from the Quran. So the person looks, follows from the Quran but does not recognize the inaccuracy he is making in acting. So acting to another person is an excellent way to correct your error.

  1. Review:

After memorizing Quran online, it can be quickly forgotten. The Prophet (PBUH) said:

“He who has memorized the Quran is like the owner of a lame camel, if he takes care of it, it will be secured, but if he lets it go, he will lose it.”

It means that the Quran must be recited regularly as part of his ordinary dhikr. The Prophet (PBUH) said

“Who reads the whole Quran in less than three days does not understand it.”

Therefore, continuously reciting, will keep what he has memorized.



Quran Memorization – UmulQuran.

online Tutor – Online Quran Study – Quran Study.