Five Reasons Why You Should Get Your Ijazah Online

Five Reasons Why You Should Get Your Ijazah Online

Do you dream of obtaining an ijazah to memorize or recite the Noble Qur’an and do not have enough time?

Or have you heard of Ijazah in the Holy Qur’an and do not know what it means and How to get it?

Do not worry. We will have the easiest solution to obtain an ijazah while you are at home at the right time for you and at the hands of the greatest scholars and readers. Continue with us to learn more about the Ijazah and the importance of obtaining it, and how to obtain the Ijazah online 5 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Ijazah Online.

The Holy Qur’an

The Holy Qur’an is a light in the heart of its bearer wherever he goes, and memorizing the Holy Qur’an and learning its rulings and reading it correctly is obligatory for every sane adult Muslim, and learning the Holy Qur’an and memorizing with a correct chain of narrator and get Ijazah is the highest degree of memorization and it is a dream that every Muslim strives for.

Learning and teaching the Qur’an from The best ways to get closer to God, as the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: (The best of you is he who learns the Qur’an and teaches it), and reading the Qur’an in a correct way is a goal and an honour in and of itself, because (The one who skilled in the Quran with the honourable, righteous angels) as the Holy Prophet said, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.

Online Ijazah course

Let’s first get to know the concept of Ijazah and its virtues. The Ijazah is a “permission”, “authorization”, or “license” certificate given by the licensed Sheikh to the student that he has read the entire Qur’an to him by heart or read from the Quran with tajweed and the mastery of any of the permissible narrations, and that he has become qualified to read it.

And it also have ijazah to teach and recite the Holy Quran with Tajweed.

Online Ijazah Course it’s been done through live online sessions by native experienced tutors who can help you the Holy Quran with Tajweed and memorize to get an online Ijazah certificate.

Types of Ijazah 

There Are Two Types of Ijazah in the Holy Quran:

  • Ijazah in recitation Quran with tajweed
  • ijazah in memorizing Quran with tajweed

Quran Ijazah Online

Now many people can obtain Ijazah in the Qur’an at any time and with ease through online ijazah courses from the largest academies for teaching the Qur’an.

All you have to do is enrol in one of the Ijazah-granting academies via the Internet, register with it, and start studying, which will be for a specific period. After this period ends, you will be able to read the entire Quran with tajweed (by heart or recitation from the Mushaf ) from one of the academy’s teachers, and you will get the ijazah certificate.

Online Quran Classes

One of the wonderful things in the age of the Internet is the presence of many Qur’an lessons via the Internet, which made learning the Qur’an easier. It no longer requires travelling to Arab countries to learn the Qur’an, but rather it has become easier now. You will be able, anywhere in the world, to learn the Qur’an through online Qur’an-approved classes. 

 5 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Ijazah Online

  • Getting Ijazah in the Holy Qur’an is a great honour in and of itself for every Muslim.
  • Getting the Ijazah online saves your time, effort and money as well.
  • More protection in times of epidemics.
  • The possibility of choosing the right time for you to study.
  •  Ease of learning at the hands of native and experienced Quran teachers.

How to obtain an ijazah to the Noble Qur’an:

As for the method of obtaining an ijazah to memorize or recitation the Noble Qur’an with one of the narrations of Hafs, Warsh, or Qalun in only three steps which are:

  1. Memorizing the Holy Qur’an meticulously with enforcement of tajweed rules. 
  2. A study of one of the texts in Tajweed, the most famous of which is Ibn Al-Jazari’s system.
  3. Reading the Qur’an on one of the certified sheikhs. 

You can apply these steps with one of the Quran Ijazah Online courses and get the Ijazah, and you will obtain great honour, God willing. Because the Ijazah of memorization and recitation is a great and straightforward matter that raises the status of a Muslim in this world and the Hereafter, Muslims must be keen to obtain it.

What is the importance of obtaining a Quranic Ijazah?

  • A person who learns the Holy Qur’an has a great status with God Almighty in this world and the Hereafter and is rewarded for that.
  • Seeking to obtain an Ijazah helps to master the recitation of the Qur’an with tajweed precisely.
  • Reading the Holy Qur’an with the provisions of intonation, a correct reading without errors.
  • After obtaining the Ijazah, the person can teach the Qur’an and memorize it to others and grant the Ijazah to others.

The virtue of the Qur’an for a Muslim is excellent, and memorizing the Holy Qur’an has countless virtues for a Muslim, and its memorizer has a high status in this world and the hereafter.

And the virtue of the Noble Qur’an is not limited to the Hereafter only but rather raises the value of its bearer in this world, and from the blessing of the Qur’an on its people is that God Almighty blesses the mind of its reciter and 

 Quran memorizer, On the authority of Abd al-Malik bin Omair, may God have mercy on him: He said, “Most of the people who keep with their minds in old age are Quran reciters”,

And in another narration, “Whoever reads the Qur’an will enjoy his mind even if it reaches a hundred”.

We ask God Almighty for us and for you to enlighten our hearts and you with the Noble Qur’an and make us among those who carry it as His book.


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