Learn Quran for kids  

Learn Quran for kids  

learn Quran for kids Childhood is considered the most important age phase which children go through and is characterized by the child’s capacity and capability for learning many things such as Learning Quran for kids and self-development so many people make their children memorize the Holy Quran and the Islamic religion rules by making them join the course of Learn Quran for kids. Learning the Quran for kids helps to build a conscious generation capable of building a society according to the teachings of the Islamic religion.

The importance of Learn Quran for kids   

The importance of memorizing the Holy Quran in the course of Learn Quran for kids has a massive grace for Muslims especially the kids where it helps to open the child’s mind and direct it rightfully through knowing the meaning of the Holy Quran and its interpretation by Learn Quran for kids as it helps in guiding the child to all the ways of good and make him away of falsehood ways as well as the Holy Quran other merits of position and high rank in the worldly life, you will understand all of that in learning Quran for kids and the Hereafter as the Quran will be an intercessor to his reader on the Day of Judgment all of that can be done by learning them the course of Learn Quran for kids.

Learning Quran for Kids steps

Learning Quran for kids some steps should be followed regularly: setting a schedule for three days, for example, every week to memorize the Holy Quran in a course of Learn Quran for kids where the child is ordered to memorize at least one chapter of the small chapters of the Holy Quran to facilitate the process of memorizing for him you can do it in a course of Learn Quran for kids. The process starts with reading the appointed chapter memorizing to the child then interpreting some of the meanings that are difficult for the child to understand and the child then is allowed to read on his own in a course of Learn Quran for kids so that he understands the words fully.

How can we memorize the holy Quran in learning Quran for kids  

The chapter is memorized by repeating every single verse more than one time until the verses are totally fixed in his mind in our course Learn Quran for Kids then the child memorizes the chapter of the previous session and starts memorizing a new one. A session every two weeks in the course of Learn Quran for kids is preferred to be made to revise what has been memorized during the previous sessions and the child must be encouraged to read the memorized chapters during his prayer that we trained them in our course Learn Quran for kids to fix the memorizing in his mind and be difficult for him to forget it you can join us now to make all of that as a reality in our course Learn Quran for kids.

At the beginning of learning the Quran for kids

At the beginning of learning Quran for kids about this process, the child’s attention must be drawn to memorize through some means like competitions for learning the Holy Quran for an award in addition to explaining the importance of learning the Quran for kids by memorizing the Holy Quran, the Book of Allah in an easy and simple way for the child by learning Quran for kids to be conceived easily.

Diversification in the used style betweenwhiles is required so that the child does not get bored in our course Learn Quran for Kids. Making records to the child during reading the Quran which will make a motivate for him to memorize better every time he will find that in our course learn Quran for kids. Participating of the child’s parents in memorizing the Quran is required to encourage the child to love the Quran, dividing the Quran into parts and distributing it for the appointed time we do that in our course to learn Quran for kids appropriately to the child and his abilities and instill the love of the Holy Quran in the child soul and making him feels that the relationship with the Book of Allah is a worship and reward relation and teaching him the news of his likes by joining us in learn Quran for kids and in his age who memorized the Quran.

Enrolling the child in sessions of learning the Learn Quran with Tajweed which is held in mosques or schools is a good factor as these courses such as Learn Quran for Kids have a good effect in encouraging the children on the collective competition in memorizing the Holy Quran in learning Quran for kids as it develops the ability of the child and saves his energy and power to memorize the Quran in the lessons of learning Quran for kids. Childhood is the vivacity, energy and giving phase and the child is its master when is invested best, directed well and raised the complete Islamic upbringing by learning the course of learning Quran for kids on all sides of his life then it will have the greatest effect in his breeding and nurture which is based on the love, reading and memorizing the Holy Quran in the course of learning Quran for kids.


Al-Azhar Quran Teaching | learn Quran for kids

Importance of learning Quran for kids

Raising the children on the Quran helps in building practicing and religion- Muslims and recognizing the religious instructions in an early age of their lives by teaching them the course of learning Quran for kids and the Quran be a path. Explaining the stories of the Holy Quran and interpreting its meanings and words draw the children’s attention by learning Quran for kids so directing them to love the Quran because most of the children are attracted to stories and affected by them, as a result, they will love and cling to the Quran. Learning Quran for kids is following the Prophet’s path because the best thing the child is raised on in his childhood is the Holy Quran which is the right constituent and the solid tie, containing the stories of the followers and the successors, all of that in learning Quran for kids “Falsehood cannot approach it from before it or from behind it, it is a revelation from a Lord who is Wise and Praiseworthy.” And whoever seeks glory without it will go through falsehood we teach all of that in the course of learning the Quran for kids.

What Learn Quran for Kids learn

Learn Quran for kids is a priority in breeding and a significant step of this religion through which he can learn the love of his Lord entertains with his verses and fix in his heart the values of Islam since he is too young by learning Quran for kids to lighten his heart with wisdom and goodness and throw away the falsehood, sins and all that is against the Islamic nature. The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, “If anyone recites the Quran and acts according to its content, on the Day of Judgment his parents will be given a crown to wear whose light is better than the light of the sun in the dwellings of this world if it were among you. So what do you think of him who acts upon it?

Hadith Qudsi about Learn Quran for kids

“And in the Qudsi hadith Allah says about the importance of learning the Quran and reciting it, the Messenger of Allah said, “The Lord, Blessed and Most High said,” Whoever is too busy with the Quran for remembering and asking me, then I shall give him more than what I give to those who ask.” And the virtue of Allah’s speech over the speech of others is like the virtue of Allah over his creation.

Learn Quran for kids and the Arabic language

“Learn Quran for kids make the children learn the Arabic language very well making them more capable of anyone to speak fluently and appropriately in Learn Quran for kids especially that the Quran is considered the first Book contributing in protecting the Arabic language from extinction and adding to it and raising the child among good people away from bad places and societies.

Memorizing the Holy Quran in Learn Quran for kids has great importance in Islam and in the life of Muslims and the memorizer of the Quran is preferred on others in lots of things as he will be with the honorable and obedient angels and who recites the Quran and finds it difficult and doing his best in reciting it in the best way possible find all of that in our course Learn Quran for kids, will have a double reward. And the Messenger of Allah said,

The best amongst you is the one who learns the Quran and teaches it.”  Learning Quran for kids changes their lives and affects it positively as the child’s brain is so clear and the Quran increases the innovative abilities and the level of concentration and memory for the reciter as increasing the memorizer capacity in the Arabic language you can also learn Arabic in Learn Quran for kids, develops and raises the levels of conceiving and understanding and improves from the reader’s ability of articulation and fast pronunciation all of you will find more pronunciation in Learn Quran for kids.

Reading and listening to the Holy Quran has perfect consequences as it strengthens the immunity of the body resulting in helping to protect the body from different diseases, a vital treatment of dangerous and chronic diseases of the reciter, clears the mind, changes the person’s passive attitudes to be positive, reduces the nerve stress and anger, frees the mind of sadness, fear and regulates the personality and helps to develop different sides of the reciter’s personality in Learn Quran for kids. The effects of learning the kids the Quran is enormous as it reflects on his attitude where he will regulate in his breeding and different upbringing and is strengthened by the Arabic terminology he has and widens his mental capacities, as well as the tranquility and peace of the heart and mind, join us now in our course Learn Quran for kids.  

Learn Quran for kids  

Our life focuses on our children and we do everything for them. We work hard to provide them with beautiful food and homes and the best education will be helpful in their real life.

As a Muslim ruler, one of the best types of education we can offer is Islamic education. We have to teach our children about the Qur’an and Sunnah and show them how to worship God without restrictions or power.

Benefits of learning the Noble Qur’an for children

The benefits of the Qur’an for children, whether religious, spiritual or material, are limitless, however, we will talk about something to illustrate the importance of teaching our children about the Qur’an:

1- Understanding Islam better

This may be the most important benefit of learning the Qur’an for children. The Holy Qur’an is the word of God and the miracles of Islam. Therefore, it is the best source of Islamic education. Reading the Noble Qur’an helps children better understand Islam, and how they tend to direct humans and be true Muslims.

2- Constant knowledge of the Qur’an and Islam

The pursuit of knowledge at an early age was like engraving on stone.

Hasan Al-Basri

When children learn the Qur’an and Islam at an early age, this knowledge will last forever and grow over time because this is the time when children’s memories are strong and their hearts are pure. Therefore, the primary study of the Qur’an for children means that they have become better Muslims.

3- Enhancing the links between parents and their children

When parents teach the Qur’an to their children and are interested in their learning process, this will increase the opportunities for bonds between parents and children in two different ways. First of all, by learning the Noble Qur’an, children realize the importance and respect of their parents in Islam. Second, when children appreciate and see their parents use the Islamic recommendations they learn in the Qur’an.

4- Peace of mind and soul

When children begin to learn and read the Qur’an at an early age, their chances of being influenced by increasing spiritual influences, and children will experience the peace and peace that the Quran reads in their minds. Their morale, however, may not seem harmful to children. But parents are aware that when children grow up with the habit of reading and reading the Qur’an, they should rely on the Qur’an for guidance and comfort. Peace and Peace

There are 4 main ways to learn the Noble Qur’an for children:

1- Parents teach children

If you can read the Qur’an with tajweed, understand the meaning of the verses and you can teach daily at a specific time, you should follow this method.

2- Nearby mosques or Islamic centers/schools

If there is a nearby mosque or Islamic center/school, this would be a good solution for learning the Holy Quran with the help of professional Quran teachers who have pre-defined educational programs. However, learning takes place in a group of students, not individually.

3- The personal Quran teacher

A request from the Quran teacher to learn the Quran for your children helps to get rid of all the troubles associated with bringing your child to an Islamic center/school. However, it is very expensive compared to other methods.

4- The Holy Quran course for children

If you need help teaching the Qur’an to your children and you do not have a mosque, a Quran center, or even a Quran teacher near you, the Qur’an School has designed a variety of online Quran courses to teach children the basics. Of their religion and made them eligible to be truly healthy Muslims through live meetings with professional trainers in the vacation guide

Quran recitation for children

This course is designed by our teachers to help children read the Quran, with intonation we accept children from 3 to 12 years who do not know how to read the Quran. We start by introducing the basics of reading the Qur’an with the rules of intonation and gradually raising it to a higher level.

Memorizing the Holy Quran for children

This course is designed by our teachers to help children memorize the Holy Quran. We accept children from 5 to 15 years old who want to be a Quran memorizer. Students will receive a specific schedule that will help them.