Kalimini Arabi fi kull Haga

Al-Azhar Quran Teaching | Kalimini Arabi fi kull Haga

Kalimini Arabi fi kull Haga

Al-Azhar Quran Teaching | Kalimini Arabi fi kull Haga

Kalimini Arabi Fi Kull Haaga is a higher advanced Online Course in spoken Egyptian Arabic, presented Online for non-Arabic speakers.  This Online course develops both fluency and accuracy in Arabic through a topic-based syllabus. During this Online Arabic course, teachers present interesting Arabic topics that have been chosen to provide maximum opportunities for speaking, discussing, and promoting both linguistic and communicative skills in Arabic. Through this Online Arabic course, students will be able to communicate fluently, accurately, and effectively in Arabic. They also will be able to converse on a variety of different Arabic topics in formal and informal settings from both concrete and abstract perspectives. By the end of this Online Arabic course, students will have a good command of speaking Arabic, especially Egyptian Arabic.


Al-Azhar Quran Teaching | Kalimini Arabi fi kull Haga