Arabic Reading Course

Arabic Reading Course

Arabic Reading Course


The writer of the book Iqra Arabic Reader is Mr. Fadel Ibrahim Abdallah. He designed these books to teach the Arabic language to native English speakers. His focus is to teach the Arabic language from a very early age so he commonly writes his book for the children and youth. Brother Fadel Ibrahim Abdallah has a huge experience of teaching the Arabic language to the different ages of students in the Middle East and America. He has joined his teaching experience and expertise in the Arabic language to organize a series of Arabic learning books that are being accepted worldwide.

There are a total of 6 books of Iqra Arabic Reader and each textbook has a workbook with it to practice the learning. The workbooks are a very integral part of that course.



Arabic Reading Course
Arabic Reading Course



The first book is very basic and it is for kindergarten-level students. Alphabets and the sound of the Arabic alphabets are covered in this book. Because the book is for junior-level students that’s why it is very colorful having pictures with attractive designs to gather the attention of the student. The sound of the alphabet and the writing of the alphabet individually is shown and practiced with detail in the book and what changes happen on the alphabet when it joins together with other alphabets are also explained. Every lesson of this book comprises of each alphabet of Arabic, the pronunciation of that alphabet indifferent case like when the alphabet comes at the beginning of the word when it comes in the center and end of the word is discussed and how to write the alphabet is also practiced. The selection of the vocabulary words in the book is very good. The book also has Arabic counting, day’s names, color names which makes the book very beneficial for learning.


Book 2:

In the second book, each chapter is divided into many lessons.  The book also has pictures in it which not only attracts the student but also helps in learning the vocabulary of words. The book has short stories by which learning is simpler and easy. Pronunciation of words and their writing rules are explained in these chapters. With each story, dialogue between the people is also there, which helps the students learn how to talk in the Arabic language with real people. Things that are there in houses and family relation names in Arabic are there to increase the vocabulary. Vocabulary and pronunciation and writing rules of eating and drinking items are also present.


Book 3:

Book three comprises eight topics each of which has many lessons in it. This book is also made attractive by adding colorful pictures. The topic comprises of greetings and introduction, this is the basic part of every language that when a person meets with another person, then how to greet in Arabic and how a person can introduce himself to the strangers. The second topic deals with the remaining things in the house and the relationship. The topic of gender, Masculine, and femininity are also discussed in this chapter. The next topic comprises of how to deal with friends. In this chapter the number: singular, duality, and plural are discussed. The Arabic name of Birds, fruits, and seafood are there in the next three topics. Human body parts are explained in the sixth topic and playing games such as football are discussed in the seventh topic and the last topic, good attributes such as honesty and right of the neighborhood are explained.

In these first three books, there are direct methods of teaching all four aspects like speaking, writing, listening, and reading without the grammar rules. From now onwards next three books contains Arabic grammar in it


Book 4:

Book four is for upper junior level or senior level students. From this book 4, basic grammar rules and structures are present and stories are there for understanding and comprehension. So it can be easily said that this book is not only a reader but a basic grammar book with a short contemporary used word dictionary is there with each topic. The book comprises 15 lessons which take almost 60 hours to complete the book.  After the successful completion of this book, it is expected that the student can read and understand basic Arabic sentences. At this stage, it is recommended that with this book, some basic Arabic grammar books should be taught to the students. Reading skills are developed by learning the book and by harnessing the writing skills you have in the workbook.


Book 5:

This book is for first and second-year students of secondary education. The book contains 15 topics and each topic has 6 lessons in it. The first lesson comprises the Quranic Ayah, hadith, and Arabic literature. This topic is not only literature reading but also has metal and character-building material. In the second lesson translation of the Arabic words in English is present to increase the vocabulary. Topic three consists of questions of comprehension learn in lesson one. The teacher should ask questions from the students to analyze the learning from this topic. Topic four contains the grammar and the structure of Arabic sentences. Topic five is the application of the rule, the teacher should write the Arabic rulings on the board and the application of this rule from the lesson. The last lesson comprises of the changes that come in the Arabic word and the index of Ayats of the Quran. This last lesson is not there in the previous books.


Book 6:

This book comprises twelve chapters, each having six lessons. The first lesson is similar to the last book that comprises reading comprehension. The second lesson has analyses of the Arabic structure with English meanings of the vocabulary words. The third lesson comprises of questions and the answer of them is present in the comprehension so the teacher had to give the students ten minutes to look at the comprehension and then ask questions to analyze the learning of the students. The fourth lesson has the grammatical rules of Arabic with the structural analyses and changes in the word and the fifth lesson is comprises the practical implementation of these rules.  The last lesson contains the index and complete changes in the word and compilation of the Ayats of Quran and the saying of Prophet Muhammad SAWW which is ca