Learn Quran Online how it works
Learn Quran Online how it works now from your home, you can learn the Quran, Arabic or Islamic Studies to you or any member of your family with
Al-Azhar Quran Teaching under the supervision of Al-Azhar University in Cairo you can take any classes in Quran or Arabic and Islamic Studies from your home.
all you do to make these steps first
add us on Skype it is alazharquranteaching
second: install zoom in your device or your computer
third we will send you the teacher up to your free time.
then the teacher will give you Two Days Trial classes.
the teacher will set an evaluation session for you so he or she will know all your level and direct you to the best option for you.
we have a very smoothy classes environment and all you need is your laptop or your device so you can hear and see the teacher.
Then you start your journey of learning the Quran and Arabic Language.