Abdolla Elsayd Abdolla
My name is Abdulla Elsayd Abdolla, I’m twenty-three years
old. This is my senior year. I am a student at Al-Azhar university, faculty of language and translation, English literature department English: I had two courses (Berlitz – Reach Out Academy) Teaching: I have been teaching English for five years now. Islamic studies: I have been working as a preacher for Islamic studies: I have been working as a preacher forAlAwqaf for four years now. I ‘ve memorised the Quran since I was fourteen, I used to teach kids in mosque how to recite Quran and I also used to arrange meetings with old people after Al Fagr prayer to teach them how to recite Quran I have been teaching people the Quran and Arabic Studies since I was young. I have my own way of teaching and really love to teach the kids.